Reviews for Meeting At The Sunset
shanerinaldo chapter 1 . 4/30/2019
I actually agree. This is quite touching to be honest.
Guest chapter 4 . 1/26/2018
Why does everybody say that the peeps are crybabies... This story is sad and if my friend killed himself i would cry
Guest chapter 1 . 9/11/2017
sonic and knuckles both need to man up!
shanerinaldo chapter 1 . 8/30/2017
all of the characters except shadow the hedgehog are all crybabies even knuckles the echidna
Bullshit chapter 6 . 5/23/2014
Tails isn't a bitch like how you made him
SonAmy chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
It was christmas eve and Amy was getting up and realized that it was Christmas Eve and she remembered that she got presents for all her friends and is going to invite them for a party tonight.

Amy was writing the last invatation to her hero Sonic the hedgehog as she finished writing it got sent to Sonic's it got sent Sonic came out of is house and read the letter from Amy.

Dear Sonic,
im having a party tonight for Christmas Eve and wanted to invite you and the others to celebrate it. The party begins at 7:00pm and finishes at 9:30pm.

Little did Amy know that Sonic had feelings for her and now wanted to get her a present for her for inviting than finished reading the letter and went to the shops to get a presents for Amy.

"Sonic,Now what should i get for Amy". "I know she likes clolths and jewelry what else does she like".

As Sonic was thinking about it he was walking past a shop and went in to look in it and saw the perfect gift for Amy.

"Sonic,thats the gift i should get for Amy".

The gift that Sonic was getting Amy was a rare and golden necklace that was 100 gold rings and Sonic had enough money to get it and for a extra gift for Amy sonic was going to ask out Amy and to kiss her.

Later that night it was 6:50pm and the party was going to start in 10 minutes and Sonic had finished raping her raping the present Sonic had made it to the party with Amy's present and knocked on the door and Amy opened the door and saw Sonic standing there with a present.

"Amy,you made it Sonic thanks for coming to the party i thought you werent going to show up".

"Sonic,of course i wouldnt miss it for the world".

As Sonic came in he saw everyone dancing to the music and enjoying the party with food and drinks aswell.

It was then 9:30pm and Cream and Tails were leaving and so was Rouge,Knuckles and Shadow.

"Cream,thanks for the party Amy it was lots of fun".Everyone than left except for Amy and Sonic.

"Sonic,oh almost forgot here Amy i got you a present".

''Amy,thanks Sonic what did you get me''.

"Sonic,you will have to open it and see for your self".

Amy than opened the gift and saw the rare golden neckalce that Sonic got for her for inviting him to the party.

"Amy,thanks Sonic it's beautiful".

"Sonic,your welcome Amy i have another gift for you aswell".

"Amy,what is it".

"Sonic,close your eyes".


Amy than closed her eyes and Sonic than steped closer to her and kissed her with his warm lips and Amy opened her eyes and and Amy than apart from each other from Sonic kissing her and Amy was shocked and happy that her wish came true after all these years.

"Sonic,Amy will you go out with me".

"Amy,of course ill go out with you".

''Sonic,Amy Rose i love you so much".

"Amy, i love you too Sonikku".

They than kissed again and looked at each other.
Emmaxx95 chapter 1 . 6/6/2011
That is a gr8 story I really enjoyed it

! Keep up the gud work !:)) x x x
Silver and Blaze chapter 6 . 12/3/2010
Aww at first i thought it was bad but a nice ending in my earlier commment about tails mt gf said when i read it about the shouting my eye was twiching and i was gritting my teeth lol
Silver and Blaze chapter 4 . 12/2/2010
Aww at the tails yelling i hated tails so freaking much but then he saved her and i as a dude cryed
Silver and Blaze chapter 6 . 12/2/2010
Aww at first i thought it was bad but a nice ending in my earlier commment about tails mt gf said when i read it about the shouting my eye was twiching and i was gritting my teeth lol
Silver and Blaze chapter 4 . 12/2/2010
Aww at the tails yelling i hated tails so freaking much but then he saved her and i as a dude cryed
Chaossu chapter 6 . 2/9/2008
So sad...
Flying Dragons chapter 6 . 8/20/2005
that's so buetiful...sad but buetiful...
Whinnie chapter 5 . 8/19/2005
Aww! That chapter was SO sweet! But I liked the Tails/Cream part; quantity is better than quality, LOL. :p Anyway, great job, there were a few spelling and grammar mistakes, but that was okay. GOOD JOB! :D
SailorNicoRobin chapter 4 . 8/11/2005
Happy ending for TailsCream! Are you gonna write more? I feel there should be one more couple...Im not saying any names...
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