Reviews for The Fire Inside
Tenia chapter 12 . 9/29/2017
Make a sequel please you just left on a cliffhanger
Blair Bear chapter 16 . 11/5/2015
Best story I ever read! You have to make a sequel! PLEASE?! Oh and Michelangelo's nick-name is spelled Mikey not Mike. Ok? Good. Any ways, please make another story about this. Your new fan.
Night Phoenix Whisper chapter 16 . 12/11/2014
Pretty cool story, hope u make some sequels for it
FlameLover666 chapter 16 . 7/2/2013
omg That was amazing
RandomQueenA chapter 16 . 3/12/2013
Mikey calling him "Matchstick Mikey" made my day XD I think you should write a sequel? :) It's a good story :)
Dragonrider7 chapter 6 . 7/17/2008
this is a really great story it is progressing very well i like it.
Reijiro chapter 11 . 1/5/2007
Oh, feelin' sad the old gods are passing on... but at least they've done a good job of picking those to carry on their mantle! So what 'earth' powers is Raph gonna get?

Glad he made his apologies to Mike, and he and Ren seem to have got off on a rather good foot in terms of understanding each other.

Reijiro chapter 10 . 12/28/2006
'Manuke' isn't a term for 'idiot' that I've heard before, most manga and the like use 'baka' instead, probably 'cos it sounds a little harsher! So thanks for teaching me something new!

How on earth are their family gonna track Raph and Mike down? Hoping they do though, I'm thinking Raph might need their support and guidance in the end.

Reijiro chapter 9 . 12/28/2006
'Stupid kid! I swear Mikey, if you die on me I’m gonna’ kill you.' - LOL! Classic!

Mikey is lucky Raph managed to keep his temper in check to help him out, I reckon he'd be pretty darn ticked right about now! But then his love and concern for his baby bro would out-weigh any anger he feels.

Looking forward to seeing how this pans out. Love the name Ryu btw. You probably know it means 'dragon', but it's also the name of one of the main characters in the old 'Streetfighter' games. Next to Chun-Li he's my favourite character from that lot. -cheesy grin-

Reijiro chapter 8 . 12/28/2006
GAH! What's following him? Hope its just one of his brothers.

Reijiro chapter 7 . 12/28/2006
YAY! Old Japanese gods and a bit of a play on the original legends! Thankyou! Love this kinda stuff. You may have found this out since, but this reminds me a bit of another Japanese legend. Yuki-no-onna, or 'snow maiden' is another figure from Japanese legend. She is said to bring in the snow and can sometimes be seen dancing through the snowy forests.

Gotta find out how Raph is gonna help out this family... are they in America, or in Japan? If Japan, how's he gonna get there? I'm kinda assuming they're in America. Anywho, I'll stop ramblin' and get on with more readin'!

Reijiro chapter 6 . 12/28/2006
Aw-w-w that was a sweet little brotherly moment. It's one of the things I absolutely love about the TMNT, that they can say things like that to each other and not be denounced as 'sissy' for it.

I like to think of Raphie as an artist, all of the guys really in their own ways. I do tend to think of Raph as enjoying something a bit more 'physical' (for want of a better word) than painting, like carving or pottery, something he can hold in his hands. But then again I guess painting can be pretty physical too!

Reminds me of an Aussie painter, Hart I think his name was. Anywho he did a TV ad a few years ago for 'Stainmaster Carpets' where he dumped wine and all sorts all over this cream carpet. Finished it off by dropping a cake and 'belly diving' on it to smear it in a think line. When the camera panned back it showed an awesome image of a crayfish, then they cleaned to the whole thing up. Shame really, it was an awesome bit o' work! Suppose it would've got a bit smelly after a while though, lol!

Reijiro chapter 5 . 12/28/2006
Oh cool (or is that hot, lol!) Raph seems to have some sort of control (almost) over it already! Glad he's letting Mike tell the story, I'd hate to think what would happen if Mike accidentally let slip on Raphs' secrets right now.

Reijiro chapter 4 . 12/28/2006
I do like the role Donnie is taking in this, really nice to see him taking an active role in the family.

Hehe and I LOVED Mike's line 'I call dibs on side-kick'! ROFLMAO!

Reijiro chapter 3 . 12/28/2006
ROFL! Matchstick Mikey? And he just won't give it up either, lol!

Awesome dream btw, kinda scary! So who's Ren? Hopin' to find out... now!

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