Reviews for Choices
Phoenix Gryffis chapter 23 . 9/4/2012
we can all see where that will lead
Kathryn Hart chapter 23 . 9/18/2011
I wanted to cry sooooo badly when Nine regenerated. WHY? Augh! Why didn't Ten take Rose and Hope with him though? That was so sad she grew up without him! But this story is fantastic nonetheless! :)

(Btw you should post at the end that 'deleted scene' of Nine, Rose Jack and Hope playing Mouse trap, I really want to read that! lol)
Imready chapter 23 . 7/15/2008
This on of best stories i have read in a long time

and it was heart wrenching in some places, it really had

a sense of reality. You're very talented and i also love your art on deviantart, i have loads of your art in my favourites and collections. So now im going to add 'Choices' to my favourites as well because it really is a beautiful and captivating story.

All the best!

Take care!
welshdragon chapter 23 . 5/17/2008
please do a sequel
Shaundi-Goth-Kitty chapter 1 . 11/16/2007
I've only read up to chapter 5 so far but this story totally rocks! It was so blantently obvious is DW series 1 that Rose and the Doctor were in love and all that, so it's about time they "got it on" with each other (as it were). But seriously, though, I really like what I've read so far.
Leaviel chapter 23 . 11/7/2007
ah... this was a good story... a bit iffy in parts... but brilliant in other parts! I loved the bit where Hope had the Doctor go back through his previous regenerations! that was fantastic! and I loved that the last words the Doctor says in this are the first words you ever hear...from that commercial... *sigh* this was really nice. really really nice! And I love the 9th Doctor so much! It's too bad Eccleston only stayed on for one season... ah well... keep writing! you're extremely talented! _
Lacuna77 chapter 23 . 4/1/2007
That was outstanding. Seriously, I'm new to this fan fiction lark, and unfortunately have read a load of twaddle (The Harry Potter crossover still makes me shudder when I think of it)but this story was brilliant! A sequel would be welcome...

fallen satellite chapter 17 . 3/27/2007
Fantastic story!

Anxiously awaiting the next update.
Legolas0 chapter 16 . 3/26/2007
Excellent story! they are getting married, right?
brmngirl chapter 14 . 3/14/2007
I Really like this story. I hope you update real soon...I can't wait to see what happens next. Laterz.
Dugleik chapter 14 . 2/18/2007
So, I was planning on reviewing and saying something really smart, but I was also planning on reading one chapter and then go to bed. Anyways, love the story, but now I really do have to go to bed.

Update soon.
morph chapter 14 . 12/12/2006
Sorry I've taken so long to review. Well done on this chapter. It seems a bit odd to me that they would let the Delks just sit there, but you did explain why in this chapter, so that's okay. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone has up their sleeve and how things will turn out. Keep up the fantastic work and update again soon! :)
lizpen chapter 14 . 11/1/2006
This is one of my all-time favorite stories! I love it!
timano chapter 14 . 10/30/2006
Hm. A very enjoyable story. Of course, the Daleks have had time travel before (THE CHASE in the classic series-they had time machines there, and later had time corridor technology), but as you say, they were never very good at it. Certainly getting their hands, er, their protrubances, on a TARDIS would be a very bad thing, even if they don't know how to use it, because it would enable them to spread everywhere throughout time and space.

I like the what-if? nature of this story-from that one little difference (the Doctor not landing exactly on top of Rose on the GameStation), the entire rest of the series will be different. Oh, and the fact that Hope was conceived, of course; that would really change things! ;-)

10 out of 10 stars
Mousewolf chapter 14 . 10/30/2006
*Grins* They're all gunna die. What's hopelet got from her ada's jacket?

Let's hope the kid's got a plan, hmm?

Great - no, FANTASTIC chapter. Please, please, please update in the not to distant future...
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