Reviews for Yu Yu Hakusho Inversed
Anna Jaganshi chapter 21 . 9/13/2013
So okay, I read this story almost seven years ago, I'm sure, and I never reviewed it? The fuck is wrong with me? I remember trying to recall what story some of the scenes from this came from for the longest frickin time...

I can almost guarantee I cried the first time I read this. How? Because I was bawling like a child this time around. I can still scarcely see what I'm typing...

It IS unfair that Kurama had to die... But, as you've said and as we've all grown up to learn, life isn't fair. Life will walk up and kick you in the nuts whenever it damn well pleases. And that very real to life aspect is why I love this story so much. Not to mention the other facts of life and nuggets of wisdom that are hidden away in here.

I love your inversed versions of everyone. The role switches were fun to read, especially ones like George's and Yusuke's. I enjoyed Toguro's big-brother-like actions with Kurama, as well. Warmed the heart so much

Me remembering this story after so many years (and finally finding it again-huzzah!) HAS to amount to something, eh? I truly love it, and I was beyond ecstatic when I read that first chapter and realized, "Oh my God, this is it!" I'm practically flailing in fangirlish squees over here...

TL;DR version:
Oh my God I love this beyond comprehensible words! Thank you a hundred times over for posting this for us to read!
Guest chapter 21 . 7/13/2013
I hate that you killed kurama so swiftly. Hiei didn't get a goodbye or anything. Call me silly or childish all you want, but reality sucks, life's cruel and sometimes it just doesn't work out. That being said, I prefer a happy ending.
It's really too bad. It felt as if you rushed this story and it's 'romantic' aspects. It really did feel natural or make sense how Hiei and Kurama came to their feelings for each other.
Anyway, I think you are an interesting creative writer, but I like hope and love.
rozenmiko chapter 21 . 7/17/2012
I checked, and saw this story has not had a review in a while. But if you do still check, this story was amazing. I would not change it for the world. In a way, it actually did have a somewhat happy ending. Everyone Kurama knew was touched by him, be it in a good or bad way and in the end the little cast out faggot boy fould love. And died with the knowledge that he was loved. Well, if that even mede sense to you, but thats how I see it. This story really was exeptional and i recomend it to all.
mYtORnsaNDaLs chapter 21 . 5/9/2010
as much as i enjoy your stories... you have such a great talent... i somehow realized that you do enjoy torturing Kurama... this,like much of you stories were depressing... but it is really a good one and made sense... it's depressing and uplifting as well... such a paradox...
Ryou VeRua chapter 21 . 3/29/2008
This review is going to be horribly short, and I apologize, but I swear I'm just a few seconds away from crying and my brain has stopped functioning. The story was perfect. As sad and horrible as it was, Kurama's death was... well, it probably was necessary. And that's honestly all I can muster right now.
darkdranzer chapter 21 . 1/10/2008
well, i read it all at once, and you're sptry was really realyl nice. i agree with what you said about how life isnt fair, and i think the ending really suited the fic.._~'

well, sure i still WANTED a happy ending, i lke happy endings more (.
KiriOfTheAncients chapter 21 . 11/10/2005
I really enjoyed reading your story. Keep writing! (Although I shouldn't be one to criticize seeing as how I really don't write much anymore...) _;
hColleen chapter 21 . 11/10/2005
I'm sorry aff was being so rude to you. I never actually bothered to look here for the story...actually, I don't look here very often at all, but that's beside the point.

I still don't like that Kurama're not going to change that nor am I, but...I'm glad there was a type of resloution...he was happy and Hiei was touched by him...he did make a difference, his life did matter for something. While not completely justifying his death, it does help ease the burden... I know my last review was a bit abrupt...what, three or four words? Maybe five...I'm not going to bother to check, the point is, I do understand life is like that, but I still am a bit of a romantic and hope for happiness, even if I am cynical at the same time and know it can't always happen, in face, is almost rare. If I didn't like your writing style, I wouldn't continue to read it because, at times, your story lines are just too frustrating...or twitchy, to borrow a friend's word (my total number of mpregs stands at 2...).

Anyways...I think I've rambled on long the way, I love Phantom of the Opera. I look forward to the next update of Was It Out of Pity.
mhmartini chapter 21 . 11/8/2005
I really enjoyed this update. It took away some (not all) of the pain from the last chapter. It felt almost like Shuuichi Minamino was free to go home at last, without any more prejudices holding him back. Sappy, yeah, but that's what it felt like. I especially like the forget-me-nots.

I'm glad you put in the author notes. Since you made up the story, and you said he died happy, I will believe it. That makes me fel better. I know, it's fanfiction and they're not real, but you bring them to life, and I feel sad and happy for them as I read your work. Thank you for the closure.

I have to say that this story is wonderful. I hate AU stories, but I was stuck on this one and enjoyed it very much. I can see, reading your LJ, where some influences came from events going on around you. Sometimes it did get very obvious. Not quite preachy, but definitely more moral than fanfiction. But overall you integrated these influences nicely. After all, that's what writers do: wrap their own experiences in words and feelings and share them with others. Thank you for sharing.

I would read and review on as usual, but they're being...well, you know.
DemonUntilDeath chapter 21 . 11/7/2005
This chapter was amazing, just as your last. It concluded the story in such a fulfilling way that, while the reader is morning the death of Kurama, it's justified in some small way, leaving a pool of sorrow with one island of joy and hope. It was an excellent conclusion to an amazing story. You did wonderful in writing this and I eagerly look forward to more of your work. By the way, this may have already come up in a review, but your story is not posted on It doesn't make it past the first parenthesis in the introduction. Thought you might want to know that. Or, at least, that's what happens on my computer. May not be the same for everyone. Great story, an amazing ending!
KyoHana chapter 21 . 11/7/2005
Kurama's death in this story, especially after both his and Hiei's in 'The Wrong Turns and Detours of Love', was not something I'd even contemplated for this story. And yet, after being so immersed in this universe for so long, and espcially after this final chapter, I can't help but feel it was 'right'... it was meant to be.

And though I'm saddened by his death and the fact that Hiei will have to spend his life alon, without the one he'd come to love, the story itself was beautiful and like Hiei, I am 'content'!

Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
kikira-chan chapter 21 . 11/7/2005
Thank you for explaining everything and I'm glad no one's gonna bite the bullet in 'Was it Out of Pity?' Sad and yet true. I liked how everyone's lives wrapped up nicely and no one was left to rot (except maybe Koenma in paperwork.) -sigh- I always feel so happy/sad when stories end. The story was wonderful, thank you very much.
KyoHana chapter 20 . 10/30/2005
OMG... that was ONE twist I hadn't counted on. I'm not sure what I'm feeling right now... I'm just numb and trying very hard to blink back the tears (just like Hiei).

I'm glad, though, that Hiei and Yukina seem to be making some progress toward a reconciliation... I just hope... but no, that's wishful thinking, to hope that the hospital made a mistake and Kurama could still be alive.

Anyway, as always, you've done a tremendous job with this chapter! My heart's breaking right now... that's how well written it was!
kikira-chan chapter 20 . 10/30/2005
-bawling with Hiei- I loved Yomi's story it was sad and utterly lacking moral fiber from those you thought it should have. Very inverse. I look forward to what's on the note.
KyoHana chapter 19 . 10/23/2005
As always, this chapter was well worth the wait. It is SO great to see Kurama's and Hiei's roles completely reversed... to have the Jaganshi admitting his feelings for the kitsune and to have Kurama being the 'evil' one; the one feeling not good enough; the one wanting to run away; to be alone.

Truly, this was a terrific chapter. I can't wait to see what you've got planned next.
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