Reviews for The Test
gaara-o-sand chapter 1 . 1/3/2008
I liked it! a little too muuch song, but now that ive read the lyrics it does sound interesting... i guess ill download it!


PS: I like chocolate cake, extra icing.
Secretly-In-Love chapter 1 . 7/21/2005
update soon
Oasis Blackmore chapter 1 . 7/21/2005
I liked it well enough . . . BUT I'M WAY DESPERATE FOR MORE! Please please PLEASE update soon! I'm hoping very much that I won't have to wait years for the next chapter! *prepares to beg*

~ Oasis
Demolition Debbie chapter 1 . 7/21/2005
I thought it was great! If you do continue, are you going to put 'Hermione' under 'Female Elven names'? That would be so awesome. Regarding the cake: I love cake! My favorite is something I created while experimenting on the job (I work in a bakery). It's chocolate ice cream cake (If you don't know what that is, it's really firm vanilla ice cream [It's a special kind so it doesn't melt] sandwiched between two layers of cake) with raspberry-vanilla frosting and chocolate chips to spell out your name on the very top.