Reviews for Checkmate
autumnlover chapter 7 . 8/7/2006
very nice, very well written, but maybe it all went just a little too well? no arguments, i see? well, whatever it was, it was great! dont ever give up on writing!
Yuhari chapter 7 . 1/29/2006
Great Story!

The last chapter was cute!

Neha chapter 7 . 12/11/2005
Aww this was such a good fan fic, I luved every part of it, Nice job!
Two-Dozen-Roses chapter 7 . 9/15/2005
Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Okay must stop but really I did that was beautiful! what was that song? It's gorgeous, please email me the name of it and who sings it. My e-mail is Thanks! Samina x
sballLuvr5 chapter 7 . 8/31/2005
aw that was soo cute! i love it! you ended it perfectly... are you thinking of a sequel?:)

PotterSnitch7 chapter 7 . 8/25/2005
i'm so sorry! i was on vacation, i couldn't reveiw! anywho, thanx 4 going with seven! you're so kind. great final chapter, though, i love how Ron was acting. good job!
Chofita chapter 7 . 8/22/2005
hey! i loved it! all of it!

checkmate (L)_(L)

thanks for making such a beautiful story!
pinkerbella chapter 7 . 8/22/2005
Nice story! I love reading stories about dances. But some things that I think were a little weird...the characters were sort of out of character. I don't think they really acted like they do in the book. Also, right after each couple kissed, they were like, "OMG! I love you!" Which I think is a little unnatural, you know what I mean? Anyways, great job.
Reed chapter 7 . 8/22/2005
Aw, that was so cute!
Mischief Bebe chapter 7 . 8/21/2005
That was an awesome story! The way you wrote the ending was perfect.

About what you should write next... well, anything you write is good to read!
xxlyssxx chapter 7 . 8/21/2005
oh, that was such a great story *claps*! Now, as for what kind of story you should write next, well, i honesty dont know...but whatever floats your boat works for me :)!
alwaysxandxforever chapter 7 . 8/21/2005
aww cute story :D i like it. u should do a sequel :]
annonomous chapter 7 . 8/21/2005
this is a great fanfic about ron/hermione! very cute story!
knownhiatus chapter 7 . 8/21/2005
I love this story! This was a really great ending! Please update for the story Your Night! The story you should write Hermione and Ron story.

Oasis Blackmore chapter 7 . 8/20/2005
*blinks* Aw! That was SO sweet! I loved the ending. Spot on! Wizard! Ace! And if I keep using the British terms for "cool", someone's going to shank me.

Once again, that was bloody brilliant! *bleeds to death on floor*

~ Oasis's Ghost


The next story you write . . . Hmm . . . It should be . . . er . . . *gets ghost brain cramp* . . . Oi . . . Five hours of sleep is not enough for the average human/ghost to live/die on. Of course, no one said I was average. BUT I AM GHOSTLY! Oh! New idea! Ron falls in love with Hermione's ghost! Or the reverse. I dunno. It could be QUITE angsty . . . Dunno if you write angst . . . Which reminds me that I really should check out more of your stories . . . I'll do that . . . eventually . . .


Procrastination rips apart the soul, so you have to read lots of fluff to heal it; fluff heals the soul, you know.


MY SOUL HAS BEEN HEALED BY THIS STORY! _ Of course . . . I'm a ghost . . . Do I have a soul? What a question!
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