Reviews for Ascension
Mykan chapter 1 . 5/31/2010
Boo, you suck, cockfag! I own you. You dare to make fun of me! ME! I...AM...A...King! You have insulted an important part of Canadian History... ME! THE KING! And I'll get your pathetic Project AFTER fools, too! Ha, ha, ha, ha!

Taeniaea chapter 16 . 9/7/2008
great story
fourthelement chapter 16 . 11/22/2006
Beautiful, onee-chan. Beautiful. Love the writing as always. Although Robin, in my brain, doesn't say "fucking", although Cyborg would... Eh, I'm nitpicking. Get writing on that next one.
Marcus H chapter 16 . 10/2/2006
GOod thing Raven came down to stop the throw down... cuz the other Titans would've been dead from Carson-related injuries.

Fuckin' A-right.

Good job, Raider. Good job.

Saint I Ain't,

The Jason Cooper chapter 16 . 10/1/2006
Nice note to end on, can't wait for the next part.

The Desperado chapter 16 . 10/1/2006
Beautiful! I really loved this story! The ending was Great and I can't wait for the next title of the series!
General Rage chapter 16 . 10/1/2006
As always good work. You have made one of the better stories I have found here on Congratulations on finally finishing this story. As always the General salutes you, may your expertise grow evetually to become a great writer I have faith in you.

0123456789012345 chapter 16 . 10/1/2006
Hey there.


1) "...You've killed God-knows-how-many people, and you have an FBI profile the size and volume of Paris Hilton's vagina, and yet you have the audacity to come back into our home expecting forgiveness.

You forgot another quotation mark there. Just noticed that.

2) That entire line with Paris Hilton's vagina. Honestly, that's not a real Robin-y line. Cyborg maybe, but Robin? Meh, not so much. It just bugged me.

And that's all the nitpicks for now.

In a quiet voice, so that only he and Carson could hear him, Robin played his hand. "At least I can keep one."


That line? Brilliance.

"Part of the reason I was so, um...attracted to you...was that additude. You're a mystery, Raven. I liked that."

::coughcough :: Scorpio. ::coughcough:: Horoscope ::coughcough::


And that whole moment thing with Beastboy and Raven after the Carson/Teen Titans Except Raven fight. More good writing, I thought it was adorable.

Phwee! I'm so excited for the next chapter. I do wonder who that "It" dude is. Seriously. Any spoilers maybe? - Just asking.

fourthelement chapter 15 . 9/4/2006
...AH! You killed off Robin! Not that I care... I think he died a perfectly fine death, since I don't really like him to begin with, but hopefully all the little fangirls won't cry...

Loved it. Excellent chapter, once again. Can't wait for the next one.
Marcus H chapter 15 . 9/2/2006
Penultimate? I can't wait for it.

The whole beating back Satan's will was pretty kickass, you've got my kudos, as always, Raider.

Keep it rockin' man.

Saint I Ain't,

The Jason Cooper chapter 15 . 9/1/2006
Very...Very good story so far, sir. I asmire your ability to not paint yourself into a corner as I have on numerous occasions.

Here's my nitpicking:

1. Occasional verb tense/spelling mistake

I cannot rag on you to much, every does it.

2. Sometime it seems like you went back and removed a sentence in the editing stage, but forgot to compensate for it in the following sentences. Other times half a sentence was removed. As I have mentioned, I have, everyone has done this and it is no deduction in the skill of this work.

That's all I have.

This is NOT a flame,

Jason Cooper
The Jason Cooper chapter 3 . 8/31/2006
Great Series so far. I've read everything up until here, will continue tomorrow.

Keep it up, good badass character.

Jason Cooper
0123456789012345 chapter 15 . 8/31/2006
I must say, this chapter was both a good read, and incredibly intense. Missed any author notes at the end, but it's your choice.

Mm. You almost had me there when Carson almost got killed. I was like, "What? You're killing Carson? NO WAY!", but you pulled through with the 'cliche it's all in Robin's hands' thing. It worked though, and makes the story better.

The only thing that bugged me about this chapter was like I feel like when you wrote it, you didn't really put your heart into it 'cuz I didn't get that, 'I'm in the story' feel I usually have. Anything wrong, eh?

Just curious. Great job nonetheless though.

General Rage chapter 15 . 8/31/2006
Whoa, only one word to decribe this chapter. Holy mother of God intense!

I await your final chapter with much anticipation. Is the world blown or saved? Can't wait to find out.
The Desperado chapter 15 . 8/31/2006
Cliffhanger I like that1 Very Nice! I can't wait to see how this ends. Wonderfly done, please update soon.
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