Reviews for Window to the Soul
Johnantonysijo chapter 1 . 7/6
You qoute a great writer, but I still wonder, after reading this a second time, why?

You should have a detailed storyline before you start. Too many inconsistencies and a lot more misspelled words. And, no solid reason to end Hermione in the story.

You could have done a lot better.
elisabella442001 chapter 25 . 4/28
i don't understand why fics with harry as tom's son or one of his followers' end w them betraying him somehow. esp in your fic! i mean it i so clear that both rodolphus and tom love him so much! also i didn't get the last bit w rodolphus and the circlet thing. but an amazing fic, truly. thanks for this story. made my day. i read it in one go.
setokayba2n chapter 25 . 2/14
I only have to ask... The goblins were neutral?
moonprincess97524 chapter 9 . 2/9
Dumbles seemed to be opening up his order to the students of the school; but members of said order thought that Harry who is 17 is to young for the order? what the hell? I love this story.
Guest chapter 7 . 1/25
I found this chapter really confusing until i realised you were repeating everything you had just written but listened to by Ron etc. There must be a better way of writing this without the repetition. I'm not really clear what the purpose of this whole chapter is because there is very little of the listeners reactions; most of the chapter is a repeat of the previous one. I think a paragraph tacked on to the end of the previous chapter would have fulfilled the same purpose.
gginsc chapter 25 . 9/28/2019
This story, which began with such promise, has been a great disappointment. Harry is heir to the world. He is everyone's friend. His "family" is fine with him being kidnapped and leave him with his kidnappers. He is 17, which is an adult to wizards, so why does he need guardians? Why didn't he notify his family before being sent to jail? There is much more I can say, but enough. I hope someday you rewrite this and improve it.
gginsc chapter 24 . 9/28/2019
What happened to the spiders killing everyone wearing death eater clothing and masks?
gginsc chapter 16 . 9/28/2019
That was so stupid! Oh! I'm surrounded by my enemies so let me send my friends away so I can be alone with them then let me turn my back on them!
gginsc chapter 8 . 9/28/2019
It doesn't make sense that Harry's family would leave him with people who kidnapped him.
moodysavage chapter 25 . 11/22/2018
I was sad that Harry did not forgive anyone.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/8/2018
Does no one read their own books it's too unrealistic it's basically crap just take it down knowing it's here makes me want to puke
missgsmith51 chapter 20 . 7/6/2018
"... the mysterious trunk as well. It is still in Hogwarts so no one can get into it, not even Harry. But don't worry, i do intend on telling you what is in the other compartments." Sone of the compartments were opened in chapter three. We see clothing, a library with many rare books, and a dueling room. Harry also says something about Nagini being in one of the compartments; I think he also mentions other animals (or snakes, at least). I figured he might have a Potions lab, but that's just a guess.

I was reminded, when I revisited chapter 3, that Lily's true heritage was explained, along with Dumbledore's role in her winding up with the Evanses. How far back do Dumbledore's machinations go?

BTW, is Dumbledore the NDL? He certainly seems to have all of the ... "qualifications" for it. The flashy battle robes sound very Dumbledorish, too.
missgsmith51 chapter 1 . 7/5/2018
A wolfman around Little Whinging? Has Remus, perhaps, been lurking about, trying to get a glimpse of Harry?
Pixie8859 chapter 20 . 6/25/2018
I keep trying to read this and sorry I just can't do it any more. I give up! Why? It's just getting worse as it goes on. The characters are pure caricatures and come out with the stupidest comments, the author reviews are at the top AND the bottom, and it's actually a shame because the storyline had a lot of potential. Harry seems to wander into EVERY single Dark Creatures land and becomes their to them all? REALLY? I know Fanfiction is all about expanding on a single theme, but this is completely ridiculous. Who do I use to get back the couple of hours of my life i wasted reading this? Thank God the author didn't write anything else
Pixie8859 chapter 1 . 6/24/2018
This is actually quite weird. I'm only on chapter 3 and feel like I'm watching one of those Chinese soap operas where they narrate all the way through. Anyone remember Monkey Magic? Please don't think I'm being racist or anything like that as I hadn't read the authors bio yet, it's just the whole 'And now we have this. And now we have that. Just what do you think will happen next?'. The plot seems to be a good one, just hope that the little man in the corner shuts up
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