Reviews for Begin
Acacia Jules chapter 11 . 3/5/2012
No Seth, NO! Don't push him into that selfish, narcissistic drunk's arms! He's far too good for her! He doesn't deserve to be trapped in an endless roller coaster similar to that of his entire childhood!

Ryan, listen to your head, not your boner and broken psyche, the girl is bad news, you know it! Listen to Kristen, stay away!
tcsportsmed7 chapter 18 . 7/23/2010
I really enjoy this story. The only problem I have is the unrealistic depiction of Ryan's injuries. If he had a severe concussion as you said, he should have been in the hospital longer, and perhaps it would have created more problems for him (like nausea). And broken ribs would still be giving him a hard time weeks in so that it would be extremely uncomfortable to do any heavy lifting. :)

Other than that, everything is perfect and amazing. :D
ShadowWolfDagger chapter 20 . 9/25/2008
Awesome O.C. story can't wait to read more and see how it all plays out. Please update it soon _

Shikabane-Mai chapter 20 . 2/5/2008
I. Fucking. Love. This.

I LOVED your version of bringing Ryan into the Cohen family. I loved that Kirsten was the first to meet and offer Ryan a home. I just... I don't even know what to say. Seriously. I already thought you were amazing when I read your other story ("Split Screen Sadness"), but this? Just confirms it even MORE. I cannot wait to read more of your other O.C fics!
Silver Dog Demon chapter 20 . 1/30/2006
Aww, I loved it! I like Ryan's relationship with Anna, very cool! I can't wait for more! Please continue soon!
Trinity Day chapter 20 . 1/28/2006
Chrismukkah was, of course, incredibly sweet.
Trinity Day chapter 14 . 1/28/2006
I'm really enjoying the way you're branching off from the first season even further with this car accident.
CutieCay22 chapter 20 . 1/12/2006
Just read this whole story! ITs so good update soon!
Dogsbody chapter 20 . 1/3/2006
*squeeing with delight*I love how Ryan isn't let Trey ruin his life in this I loved how he sent the'bot packing!Loved the Ryanna interaction, and I hope that your Chrismunakah was a happy one!:)
beachtree chapter 20 . 1/1/2006
I hope you give us a little more detail about the actual family uber-holiday since Chrismukkah would be especially overwhelming for anyone, nevermind someone like Ryan whose own experiences have been so different. I'd like to see how Kirsten tries to make him more comfortable and not feel uncomfortable, awkward and overwhelmed by family traditions he knows nothing about as he tries to discern how to react and respond. I'm guessing she'd want to use the opportunity to give some of the things he's been lacking and needs. He'd never ask for anything and the Cohens would have a hard time unobtrusively slipping clothing and possessions into the poolhouse on a regular basis.

I love the dynamic you've established and developed. There's still a sense of discovery with all the characters as each new situation presents chances for them to learn about one another. They haven't spent their lives together, so changing circumstances are insights into new facets of their personalities and glimpses of backstory.

Although the initial tension has diminished, the unsettled tone is still underlying. You may feel you're reaching a plateau of sorts, but I hope you explore more of the Kirsten/Ryan relationship and that interest she had in him and his background from their very first meeting. I realize she may not want to spook him, but I'd like to see her satisfy her curiosity and try to learn some basic facts about Ryan since he is living in her home as part of her family. She has a lifetime of knowledge about Seth and Sandy, but only a very sketchy portrait of Ryan.

As for Sandy, they haven't interacted much. Maybe you could introduce the subject of Trey to start a dialogue or develop a relationship there. They don't circle one another like Ryan and Kirsten do in canon, but Ryan doesn't really relate to either adult Cohen much yet here either.

Keep up the good work. I'm glad Ryan has his head in the right place in terms of Marissa and his priorities. His behavior towards her still highlights his own insecurities, which are well-founded, since he blames himself for so much of that night. The combination of factors all seem to conspire to just trigger his guilt. There's plenty more where that came from! One of his guardians should have their fingers on the pulse of that emotion.
Padfoot n' Moony chapter 20 . 12/29/2005
great chapter!
jenn chapter 20 . 12/29/2005
I love this story, it's totaly original and addicting! I always thought that they didn't show enough of the Kirsten/Ryan relationship on the show!
ashleyandlatreeseteamup chapter 1 . 12/29/2005
Omi gosh! This story is so freaking good. I was pouring tears when i found out the house burnt down. && When John Balls died, i couldnt sleep for weeks! Also when Summer was looking for Poopdeck with Fabio It was so funny! Dorie & Marlin should get married in the next chapter so Summer can fuck Fabio! Seth needs to buy shark food so the ants dont kill him. Ryans daughter needs to kill! When Seth walked in on Fabio & Summer. I cryed so hard. I was so mad when Seth ran away & kissed Rachel Bilson & Then Adam Brody got so pissed & called Summer. I have to go. YOU NEED TO UPDATE SOON SO I CAN KNOW IF SETH & ADAM GET IN A FIGHT!
jhhhhjfjk89 chapter 20 . 12/29/2005
I loved it.
Leentje chapter 20 . 12/29/2005
keep going and post soon

bye bye
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