Reviews for Nightmares
Haru's lover chapter 1 . 2/3/2006
thats so sad about tetheus it made me cry
RubyconCream chapter 1 . 9/16/2005
Old Fiat chapter 1 . 7/27/2005

This is really freaky. Like very freaky.

Are you going to do like Lykouleon, Thatz, Rune, Rath etc.?

With Rath it'd be cool if the nightmare was he was fighting demons and suddenly none of his attacks did anything. ::shiver::

Anyways, it's cool.

-Old Fiat-
aquajogger chapter 1 . 7/10/2005
You always have the most -interesting- stories...

I really liked this; I was waiting for something like Tetheus' nightmare, where the cruelty was in the hope of the dream. It was also an interesting experiance to try and imagine the officers as childern... You can't just shrink and chibify them, making them into smaller versions of their adult selves. You have to walk backwards, almost, if that makes any sense. Like hitting rewind and watching the reversed sequence of events that made them the way they are currently.

...Anyway, this was interesting.

thehappystalkerball chapter 1 . 7/6/2005
Whoa, that was great! Really good. I especially enjoyed Tetheus and Alfeegi's nightmares. I never would have thought of something like that for Alfeegi, but it makes perfect sense. Very good. And Tetheus's-wow! I'm glad you saved that one for last. It was amazing. *claps* Wonderful fic! _

Plural Force chapter 1 . 7/5/2005
Nice... this was really good. Alfeegi's nightmare was rather unexpected, and I liked Tetheus's at the end, how you started describing a happy, comfortable place and then slowly turned it into a nightmare, saying that it was never there.

Extra thanks, too, for saying where the challenge came from, so I finally know where to find those challenges. ;)

This was really good... keep up the good work!


Fragile Tension chapter 1 . 7/4/2005
aw. sad angsty. I love it. the poor poor dragon officers. *adds to faves*