Reviews for Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
alfiealfie chapter 15 . 9/18/2016
Ron got me fooled! I should have known though.

Probably one of my top HP fanfics. Very engaging, interesting situations, witty remarks, lovely storytelling via a report. The mood is so droll and comical. I especially like this quote "Damn it, that sounded like a philosophical question, and I hate philosophy almost as much as levitation, modern art and Harry Potter."

So entertaining, and it got me threads of apprehension, sometimes mushiness, sometimes cackling with laughter.

Really a masterpiece, and I'm sad to see it ending :((
alfiealfie chapter 13 . 9/18/2016
Lol, when Harry saw them. "oh my GOD" That was hilarious. oh my gosh, thanks for the laugh.
alfiealfie chapter 10 . 9/18/2016

"gets out of hand" is an understatement.
alfiealfie chapter 8 . 9/18/2016
The cat! The cat! Anyone who've read a book know that anything that suspiciously always coming up is the catalyst!

Come on, Draco!
alfiealfie chapter 6 . 9/18/2016
Virtue Alley! Nice.


Sorry lol I'm just a sucker for puns, especially those appropriate in the canon HP world.
Ashinia chapter 16 . 12/13/2015
Wow, that was an awesome fic I mean it was so realistic (well as realistic as wizards can get) and both draco and ron were SO in character! I mean
SelfcreatedCharacter chapter 16 . 6/29/2015
I had not thought that this would have this much potential from a vague prologue. I had been reading the chapters non-stop to the point that I'm scolding myself. The turn of events was brilliant! Draco having no idea due to his situation and the overall result of the enemy. Ron is so dashing here! He's quit the Gryffindor in the story. It's just marvelous.
machi-pan chapter 16 . 8/23/2014
Wildmage of Galla chapter 16 . 6/24/2014
I was right! I was totally right! Man, I was right on both counts! I don't get shocked with a shock pen, and I think I still deserve a prize. (Well, I still didn't figure out the connection between Kidd being a cat and her following them around. I had thought she feared what 'Basil' would do and faked her own death, and then showed up as a cat for ...rather unexplained reasons related to Draco's vague uncertainty she wasn't dead. But I also thought the cat was a spy for 'Basil' as it was the only thing that made sense, but that was incompatible with my reasoning for how the cat could be Kidd. But I DID note that the cat was female prior to working out it was Kidd, which is interesting and somewhat odd. I never connected the cat being Kidd and Kidd being Basil, removing the need for Kidd to be a middleman. Overall, I think I did pretty good though.)

Awesome story. I kinda wish you'd noted the Draco/Ron slash or pairing or romance in some fashion. Fortunately, I loved their interactions in your story so much I didn't even care that I accidentally read a slash story when I thought I was reading a friendship/frenemyship story.

I loved your writing. And your storytelling (which, yes, are two separate things). This story was also clearly plotted out ahead of time, which was great. You can tell sometimes when people have no idea where their plot is going and it feels less like a slow revealing of the storyline than a hopscotch of narrative. So, congrats on that.
Wildmage of Galla chapter 14 . 6/23/2014
FOR GOODNESS SAKES, pay attention to the cat! Is it Kidd? I think it's Kidd. Do I get extra points for being right? Except it still doesn't make sense since I thought the cat was behind the bad guy following them around... I'm still gonna get shocked with the shock pen, aren't I?

Seriously, thought, I was concerned about the cat when the were at the first safe house. Only becoming more concerned about it since then. Still trying to figure out who Basil is and how he fits into all of this.
Wildmage of Galla chapter 11 . 6/23/2014
That cat! There are cats everywhere! What's going on with the cats! (Only just met this one. Halfway through chapter.) Far too convenient. Is this cat an Animagus, or just a Kneazle, and who is she or who is she reporting to? What's going on?
despicableme chapter 16 . 6/17/2014
I totally loved it! This story is awesome, it has everything - mystery, sex, fun, adventure... And your sense of humor is brilliant! This is the best Ron/Draco fic I have ever read and trust me, I have read loads of them and I dont say words like this when I dont mean them :)
despicableme chapter 16 . 6/15/2014
This was a rather large dose of brilliant humor! This story has like everything - danger, fun, mystery, sex... I feel so refreshed after reading it :D I spent a whole day just reading your stories (and I'm supposed to study for exams... but it was so good I couldn't tear myself away). You are one great writer - please, keep it up, for the good of mankind!
eftela chapter 16 . 7/18/2013
Good Read.. .
gemswillfall chapter 16 . 3/29/2012
I love the ending!

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