Reviews for One
Idshipus007 chapter 1 . 6/26/2018
Lol poor max just left at the alter before they said I do or the priest asked for objections. I was a little confused about the Nicole part? She didn’t exist in s1? Were you thinking of Rachel?
Guest chapter 2 . 8/3/2014
You should add more to it
Bob chapter 2 . 9/29/2010
Ok I suppose. But... Nicole didn't enter the GG world for another few years and I HATED what you had Rory say. She basically told Lorelai Max was great and he was the right choice. I would HATE Rory to think that. Why would she think that? What has Max done for her that compares to 6 odd years of Luke being constantly nice to her, building her book cases etc. Utter BS.
ted-e chapter 2 . 12/18/2008
Amazing story I would choose the chuppah over the daisies haha :P
ted-e chapter 1 . 12/18/2008
“Just watched Forrest Gump and got inspired, that’s all!”

Haha :) Great story!
Cinny72 chapter 2 . 11/5/2006
Wow, that was AWESOME! I loved it! One thing I have always liked about Luke/Lorelai fights is that they are intense and passionate. I loved that a fight preceded their first kiss in R&R and I love how you had Luke's confession come out in a fight as well. You did a great job showing Lorelai's internal conflicting emotions and whole thought process leading up to her realization that she didn't love Max, but Luke... and the end.. ah, I loved everything about your story! :) Great job!
Figurine chapter 2 . 9/27/2006
You almost made me cry. I'm serious.

What can I say?

This is one of the most perfect LL stories I have read.
K8te chapter 2 . 6/11/2006
AH! that was beautiful. excuse me while i go run around my house in happiness.
lorelai chapter 1 . 5/27/2006
JayD chapter 2 . 3/27/2006
*girly high-pitched scream!* that was adoreable.

i lved it so much.
uvasoccerchick93 chapter 2 . 3/12/2006
~Mkay, u kmow how most people tell the author that they should kp going cuz it is a graet story?Well,its great story,BUT, i think u should end it just has that kewl ending vibe thingy.u CAN continue if u like its not my story just my now 4 the rvw of the story! i thought it was kewl how she left him the altar. i always wondered what went on in maxs head. luvd this story! ~
thefictionalfreak chapter 2 . 2/10/2006
I have no words to say... I cant describe how much I love this story... well i guss i just did... hmm.. ITS FANTABULOUS! haha...
Angelp316 chapter 2 . 12/6/2005
loved it
Luke'sGirl chapter 2 . 11/2/2005
I love the fact that L/L get 2gether, but I hate the fact that she leaves him during her wedding. In the real show I am glad that she didn't marry Max, but he was a good guy. But the story was well written.
Jaigagne chapter 2 . 10/14/2005
hm makes you all happy doesn't it -can't stop smiling- write another fan fiction for us soon k, cause I'll be sure to read.
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