Reviews for Soul of Love
Darky.Lilith-queen.of.hell chapter 1 . 3/25/2008
Please, keep on this fabulous story... I'm completely crazy for this couple.
Pathetic Krypton chapter 1 . 12/31/2005
Worst fanfic. Ever.
Errianne chapter 1 . 12/16/2005
:0 Are you going to finish this? Or was it just a cliffhanger sort of thing. Sorry to be basically whoreing on your reviews xD ... but You're one of the only people I've seen on the site that likes Ivy/Siggy pairings (... my fav) ...
Xenriel chapter 1 . 10/7/2005
Well this certainly puts a smile on my face. _
Cyanotique chapter 1 . 7/3/2005
Impressive, I could never write a love story, however, Ivy and Seigfried do not seem the type to do anything like this. but hey! some say the same about my versions! and besides, you must write more, i would like to see these two krazy kreatures under a different light! this is better than anything i could ever write!