Reviews for Solitude
Guest chapter 15 . 6/5/2019
Never liked Gambit & Storm as a romantic couple always saw them as brother& sister.
s.mansoni chapter 15 . 2/7/2019
This was delightful (and very well-written!)
StormLover chapter 15 . 6/19/2015
I loved this story. Normally I don't go for Remy and Ro fics but I'm glad I took a chance on this one. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Guest chapter 15 . 8/18/2014
Great read...happy thoughts in my brain...yeah
mscarm chapter 10 . 7/3/2014
So is this complete chapter? Because it seems ok, but you put that warning at the end of the other one, so just checking?
Seraphoid chapter 9 . 8/17/2013
please send the lemony goodness!
Antiwa chapter 15 . 2/3/2013
I hope this isn't the end I would like to know what the others would think about the child. Congrats on your marriage and being a mother
BritThroughStormsStrength chapter 13 . 4/22/2012
Okay ima just say it I love rolo I think they r awesome n meant I dnt too much care for Remy I see him as a friend please please finish the story *with rolo in mind:)*Pleaseeeee
EnchantedOroroStalker chapter 14 . 11/22/2011
"Renee and Ro and Remy a happy fucking family of R's." ROFL! Oh say it isn't so! This can't be the endingggg! You shouldn't tease us, it could have very intense consequences *shifty eyes* jk :) Please continue this wonderful story.
HarleyQuinn92 chapter 2 . 7/27/2011
Remy in the :)
Aria Mirage chapter 1 . 2/1/2010
I love this story. So complex and just good. It is so sexy how Ororo calls Remy "Etienne" and it turns him on, ooh wee!

Not to mention Remy's shower fantasy - H O T! Please continue, with this and/or some more Stormy & Remy goodness.

Great job :D
Guest chapter 14 . 6/13/2009
CONTINUE! chapter 14 . 7/23/2008
So, I'm heavily conflicted. In the beginning of my adoration for fanfics I had loved the rolo pairings, yet somehow down the road I fell in with oReO. Ugh. Whichever one she ends up with, the other will suffer, which means I'll suffer! Can you somehow make a new mutant out of thin air that looks identical to ororo, ha.

Hmm, since logan can't die, maybe he'll be okay with being the friend, until remy dies and he can take over. Poor remy's just a thief who's been wronged in life, he needs love.

Maybe anna can be with logan as a poor substitute, then she'll be killed in an unfortunate smelting accident.

kendrat199 chapter 14 . 6/20/2008
Omg (yay for abbreviations), you can't leave me dangling! I OreO pairngs, but im also in with your logan portrayal, can mystique become a heroine and permanently change into a storm copy so each man can be happy? Please don't kill them off either, I don't think my fragile heart could take it.

Elli Mac08 chapter 14 . 2/19/2008
Wow this is really exciting I can choose who should be w/ stormy. Since both of these two studs are my favorite. I just hope you been gentile w/ the one who doesn't get to be w/stormy. so plese update soon(o)
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