Reviews for Motel 37
Omg chapter 17 . 8/19/2013
Omg just as good (maybe even better!) as the first one!
FreshFish chapter 17 . 7/20/2011
alrighty, I read several of your older fics here b/c Im feeling so much better and really really wanted to catch up with all the YGO fan-fics I have ever wanted to read. Of course, that's' not likely to happen, but a gal can dream.

So, where to start. This fic was cute. I sat on the edge of my seat as you actually managed to work suspense in on a practical sit-com.

One comment that caught me off guard was Ryou's rendition of "The British are coming," from Paul Revere's midnight ride, altered to "The Yanks are coming." I was fascinated since in the four kids series they did make him a British transfer student.

Another factor where Malik is freaking out over being a cradle robber. I rolled so hard. Bakura, I already know why you want two cute hikari's.. bad yami. lol

You never did tell what happened to the granddaughter whats her name. She just disappeared. Come to think of it, the other red shirt, I mean man staying there did as well. Did the police ever catch the hotel staff and find all those bodies, the cooks, grandma's, the bellboy and certainly countless others?

Inquiring minds want to know.

This was really a fun and exciting read, thanks for taking it all so seriously.
YuGiOh Rocks chapter 17 . 3/5/2009
love! _
YamiMii-kun chapter 17 . 11/15/2008
Wow, nice story, again! You still have a quite a humor! I wish I could find Fanfics like these more often!
billy chapter 17 . 2/20/2006

I loved it!

Is there a story about the trip to Antartica?
GreyLiliy chapter 17 . 7/31/2005
Ha ha! I love these vacation series fics. _ I was rolling in laughter with the camping and I adore this one as well. You have such a random and unique sense of humor. Your writing style is easy to read and it flows. I love your slightly exaggerated characters and I love that all your fics have definite endings. Hopefully a next installment will occur. _
Riku's gurl no wanna sign-in chapter 17 . 7/17/2005
Me: Greetings from Kentucky! Sorry for not reviewing and finishing this story so late!

Akira: All the computers in this house are dial-up - -

Me: Yah. But anyway loved the story and shall read the next one!

Akira: But waitin til we get home. Sick of this damn computer...

Me: Yah. Anyway great story!

Akira: Can't wait to read the next.
xXDarkTemptationsXx chapter 17 . 7/15/2005
lolololol that was great! can't wait for your next fic!
xXDarkTemptationsXx chapter 16 . 7/15/2005
great story! wow, can't wait to read more of this later, after when I had my dinner! it's getting really suspenseful!
OnlyHumanC chapter 17 . 7/12/2005

O we get to guess? awsome! Im Guessing that you are making a sequel to this story!
xXDarkTemptationsXx chapter 8 . 7/11/2005
hahaha lol! omg... this story is GREAT sorry i didn't review earlier kuz i wuz in China ya knowz? lack of internet.. newayz, found a source of internet and wanted to read ur fic. So many chappies! hope to review them all! your stories are so funny!
Angela chapter 17 . 7/10/2005
WOO! Love the ending! I hope u make another story with that Antartic vacation trip. All those vacation stories are way funny. Your story is one of a kind. Its original too. Well, best wishes in your new up coming stories!

DarkPhoenixIncarnate chapter 17 . 7/10/2005
I loved it AWSOME UPDATE ASAP! also what is the prize?
Mama Robotnik chapter 17 . 7/9/2005
woot!its over!and i swear,the last two chapters were as funny as hell...Little funny.(im gonna name my friend's newborn kitty Little Fruitcake.)and for your contest,i think you're gonna write a sequel to Dreams of Power.i have read it before,but im not sure i reviewed it because my computer wouldn't allow me to review for some strange reason...well,anyway, i think Dreams of Power looks like a fanfic that deserves a i hope i ya soon!
crimson gates of paradise chapter 17 . 7/9/2005
Oh it's the end... but if Bakura eats cats why didn't he...

Bakura: Esther, quit the cat jokes, those were never funny at all .

Me: .

anyways... I've got to guess? hmm... lets say a sequel to Motel 37 (though that would be kinda REALLY obvious-_-;)
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