Reviews for Avatar's Guide to Problem Solving
FluffyRainbowz chapter 1 . 8/19/2014
These three people hate me and usually i don't give a crap but they are literally ruining my life. Like they keep talking bad about me when they're the ones with problems. Help?
Digi-fanCatt chapter 24 . 9/30/2013
Hi, I'm (mostly) liking this. :) (I'm a Kataanger.) I was wondering if I could see what random characters might say when asked how to deal with being a freshmen in high school that has trouble starting homework and not spending every second of the day on fan fic? :3
CatonissForever20 chapter 24 . 3/2/2013
My crush is trying to ask me out, but I don't know if I should say yes or no. My friends say I should say yes, but COME on! I'm ten! My dad said I can't date til I'm 30! I think it should be a secret relationship, what should I do?!
huinsutt99 chapter 17 . 2/2/2013
These never fail to make me laugh.
Its2dark2read chapter 24 . 10/14/2012
partyyou chapter 19 . 8/8/2012
One of my friends is really obnoxious, she yells swears at me, tells untrue rumors about me whenever I'm mad at her, and accuses me of liking some random guy, then I get mad at her and she starts telling rumors again! Most of my friends are really fond of her and 5/6 of them always side with her when she did something mean. What should I do?
partyyou chapter 24 . 8/8/2012
One of my friends is really obnoxious, she yells swears at me, tells untrue rumors about me when were mad at each other, always accuses me at liking some random guy, and about a ton of other annoying things. All my other friends are quite fond of her and I think that whenever I'm mad at her, 3/4 of my friends take her side. What do I do?
partyyou chapter 3 . 8/8/2012
I love all of Jet's answers! He's so obsessive over the Fire Nation. I love the idea of this BTW. :)
Crazy Dyslexic Nerd chapter 10 . 9/18/2011
Zuko is so very Zuko-like!

Katara, maybe you should take oyur own advice while fighting Azula and the Southern Raiders.

-Dyslexic Nerd
Crazy Dyslexic Nerd chapter 9 . 9/18/2011
One problem with Ozai's plan... you might not live... Pudding tastes good.

-Dyslexic Nerd
Crazy Dyslexic Nerd chapter 8 . 9/18/2011
Laser swords, what's next, lightsabers?

-Dyslexic Nerd
Crazy Dyslexic Nerd chapter 7 . 9/18/2011
LOL Ozai! Honestly, Zhou, a toga?

Let's see... you pair Zuko/Aang (Zaang)! (I don't like that pairing... Aang is the reincarnation of Zuko's Great-Grandfather, it's as weird as Zuko paired with Azula.) JK. Persoanlly I pair Kataang, and Maiko. Only thing I don't like about Zutara is that it's overdone, and I don't see a relationship between them lasting.

-Dyslexic Nerd
Crazy Dyslexic Nerd chapter 6 . 9/18/2011
I see were Zuko gets his single-mindedness...

-Dyslexic Nerd
Crazy Dyslexic Nerd chapter 5 . 9/18/2011
Are they, perchance, Holy Grenades?

LOL at Ozai, and poor Zhou...

-Dyslexic Nerd
Crazy Dyslexic Nerd chapter 4 . 9/18/2011
How did the lot of you get flamethrowers?... LOL Ozai...

Jet is funny.

-Dyslexic Nerd
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