Reviews for Strange Bedfellows A Year To Remember
goodbye my love chapter 27 . 5/9/2018
Just got done reading this and a few places it brought tears to my eyes very nicely done plus I couldn’t stop reading it until I was done
The Tardis chapter 27 . 7/13/2008
i really liked your story and let me guess your jewish right, i mean how else would you come up with a name like rivkah. i like that name being that its mine also. cant wait to read your next stories.

Rivkah Benizri
HM4077 chapter 27 . 4/9/2007
Throughout the last few months, i have read this story over and over. I have it and your other 'Implosion' printed and on my wall because i feel they are really a mark of true genius. they are inspiring and original without being maudlin. The structure, the plot, the information, the characters. everything in it is perfect.

Congratulations and i really hope to see more of your work.
Zeng Xiao Long Sunstar Crystal chapter 27 . 2/10/2007
A very moving fic you have typed here. It is possibly one of the best ones I have ever read in quite some time. Keep up the great work of writing fics and may you have many great ideas!
Christine Ruud chapter 27 . 1/5/2006
I've spent the last hour reading this. It's so wonderful, and amazingly written. You deserve a standing ovation & an encore.
Anutheal chapter 26 . 8/21/2005
Hello, I know I already reviewed chapter 27, but I have a suggestions and a comment. YOu spell the town Uijongbu and I think, it my spelling is as good since it's summer its Oijongbu, but I'm not sure. And I really think maybe you could continue, maybe make it ten years from now, what happening in all there lives. If they still think about the war. That kind of thing. Just a suggestion, love the story.
Anutheal chapter 27 . 8/21/2005
I got all teary eyed and a warm and fuzzy feeling in side so many times. I love this story so much, how you right the characters is amazing.

Now it's 4:16 and I am 16 minutes late for M*A*S*H, otherwise I would right more. LoL

Great story.

y blaidd drwg chapter 27 . 7/15/2005
I enjoyed the sequel very much! I hope that this one becomes a trilogy, maybe with a re-appearance of a certain Trapper John who found a woman and realized the error of his ways, just like his old buddy? ;)

In all honesty, though, I adored both of your stories. :)
Ginnevra Marie Malfoy chapter 4 . 7/12/2005
omg u matched the characters and sayings perfectly! bravo! i hope you will continue writing about M*A*S*H because u did such a wonderful, marvelous writer! Encore!
KJFlygirl87 chapter 27 . 6/20/2005
I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your story...especially how all of the characters from M*A*S*H revolved around each other. Kirsten
Sarai chapter 27 . 6/20/2005
What a wonderful story! Nice job!
blackskittles chapter 27 . 6/13/2005
That was a great story. I hope you write many more. I wish I could write like you do.

weirdgirl42 chapter 27 . 6/11/2005
this was a great story. please write more.
123123123123123po chapter 27 . 6/11/2005
aw its such a sweet fairy tail!

you should write another! tehehehe
Bigelow chapter 11 . 6/11/2005
This isn't a review, it's actually an answer to Sky Spade. The quote in Chapter 10 is from the episode entitled "Images." In the episode Radar wants a tattoo and Margaret slips scraps to a dog that ultimately gets killed after it's run over by a jeep.
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