Reviews for Puff Puff and Away!
Dustubuni chapter 1 . 7/23/2016
Sorry, but no. No amount Martial Arts is gonna put Ranma, Taro, or any of the Nerima Wrecking Crew on par with Buttercup's super-powers. I'm getting sick of Ranma fanboys lauding him as the best thing since sliced bread. Yeah, I liked his show growing up, but the fanfics all but worshiping him is getting old. No, he cannot beat Son Goku. No he is not secretly the most powerful of the Sailor Senshi. No, Akane does not owe him a lifetime of BJs. And no, Kodachi Kuno's poison (and steroids) will NOT magically make her stronger than freakin' Akuma. I don't even know who thought that would be a funny gag. That's just as asinine as the Superman versus Goku argument. Call me when there's a Ranma 1/2 character who can

A) Tank bullets without twitching a muscle,
B) Bench a the World's tallest mountain, and
C) Run across the planet in 7 seconds.
James Birdsong chapter 3 . 4/9/2016
That's nice and all but I look forward to them meeting Ryouga.
StrongGuy159 chapter 3 . 2/19/2015
Awesome 3 chapters continue please.
shugokage chapter 3 . 3/20/2013
Nice story and interesting crossover!
Ranmaleopard chapter 3 . 1/19/2012
cool! this is really awesome and interesting i cant wait to see what happens next please continue! i cant wait to see the reaction of the NWC and Proffessor utonium when they hear about it. i guess that the NWC are going to lose big time to the powerpuff girls.
Ranmaleopard chapter 1 . 1/19/2012
cool! this is really awesome and interesting i cant wait to see what happens next please continue!
Anthony1l chapter 3 . 11/18/2011
This story is hilarious, interesting, original, touching, and unique.
Ranmayamabushi chapter 3 . 1/23/2011
Woot fun one I hope you finish it!
Nathan Granger chapter 3 . 12/9/2010
Wow, this is a really great concept and follow through on a fic. Slightly depressing that you don't seem to have any intention of finishing it however. I must say that I was rather shocked when I went and looked through your other stories and found that you were one of the first authors I found (and liked) when I was introduced to fanfiction 5 years ago. I'm happy to see that you haven't lost the accomplishment felt when writing. Keep up the great work! I will always enjoy your stories.
TheAlmightyHachu chapter 3 . 11/13/2010
This. I can't believe it, but you took two awesome things I thought could never work together, and made it work. You need to finish this, ASAP. It's awesome.
JadeTyga chapter 3 . 10/21/2010
Hi:) I don't know if you rememberme but ireviewedmaybe twice asking if you would continue. Well I just wanted to say sorry for that, I usually do 1 review per story, but you put two of my favorite stories together and wroto this really good story but you cut us off at ch.3 :(((( your probrably going through your own buisiness or whatever but if your reading this, you should know that all the other 100 reviewers, me many people that would like- no LOVE for you to finish this epic story, I mean WHOS WITH ME D• hopefully this utterly looooong review isn't falling on death ears because seriously, my fingers are cramping up... Just remember, 1001 reviewers waiting, waiting,and waiting for you to FINISH THE GOD DAMNED STORY:3! please don't let us 1001 peoplez down:)

~JT out:D
ElementUchihaMaster chapter 3 . 9/22/2010
LOLZ. Older but funny. xD
dragooner chapter 3 . 7/10/2010
have all the powerpuff girls crush the fiance mess :P
BlackRoseFire chapter 3 . 4/24/2010
Awesome story. I really love it. I loved Kasumi's demon head technique. I can't wait to see more of this story.
Orchamus chapter 3 . 3/17/2010
Absolutely awesome.
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