Reviews for Selfinsert!
shadowfan999 chapter 9 . 8/26/2013
please update this fic with a new chapter i cant wait to read what happens next
Happosai-sama chapter 6 . 3/19/2006
"The only real pairing is the one between Genma and Kasumi!"

ARG! please someone make it stop!

Happosai-sama chapter 5 . 3/19/2006
“Genma- san you make me feel like a woman!”


*cries for Kasumi*

petalsofpain PREPARE TO DIE!
Anon chapter 1 . 3/17/2006
Please stop this mindless junk now. Really, i'm begging you. Do not write another chapter!
Paul Cousins chapter 7 . 3/16/2006
It has been awhile since you have update this fanfic, but I am glad you are still continuing it. And the story and the latest chapter are pretty good, though I wish the chapters were long.
borg rabbit chapter 6 . 8/9/2005
Mucho wierdo. Genma and Kasumi? Euuww! The houses are joined. I say Euuww!

Ciao with a ten foot pole.
ranma hibiki chapter 5 . 7/29/2005
O_O what the spoot! you skipped chapter 5!

chapter 1,2,3,4,6...wheres 5!
tatsu chapter 4 . 7/25/2005
very funny a for effort crank out the next chapter soon
ranma hibiki chapter 4 . 7/25/2005
O_o; are you seeing a shrink?
ranma hibiki chapter 3 . 6/10/2005
owies, falling off the roof unprepaired can hurt. but what will hurt more is the fact ranma is with a female (doesnt matter that its his "sister") and in physical contact. to therfore by nerimas rule of nature concerning ranma:when ranma is in physical contact with a female, someone/something will happen to injure him
Brahma chapter 2 . 6/7/2005
a well written Self insertion. whats up with that holy bleedin guy? looks like hes jealous cause he cant write anything. I mean look at his review. no wonder why. Keep writin. A really good story. dont stop
Princess Star Neko chapter 2 . 6/5/2005
Hey I like this story so far, but I think you might need to reupload Chapter 2 again. At the bottom of the chapter in the last paragraph where Ranko is talking to Kasumi in the kitchen, most of what Ranko is saying is missing. It looks like this: 'Ranma was set from birth to be the heir to marry into the Tendo's. That...'
xeno chapter 3 . 6/4/2005
not bad so far ,but what is dt?
Ryan L. Spradling chapter 3 . 6/4/2005
"dt"? What kind of update is this?
Talantus chapter 1 . 6/4/2005
ell that was interresting.. however.. it was a little rusehd... try to give little more details, give us a situation... we knwo you are in a self insert.. yet... aside of that.. you rushed so much i had the impression of... you know... one time you're seeing some king of godess, she tell you she want to make you a deal yet she doesn't say anytinh and send you in the raman world withouh your approval...

plus... you gave no situation... it just happened ad the hell with the explanation.. take your time dude, your not pai dfor this work so take your time and writte it carefully and even then, when yhou finished see if you don't want to make some tweak there and there... anyay i like self insert too so i'll give it a shot and keep an eye on you , so till next time!

good day :)
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