Reviews for Ethereal
Zarcade chapter 7 . 9/25/2008
Megaolix chapter 7 . 6/28/2006
whatmeasureisaman chapter 1 . 5/21/2006
I like this. When I write something I usually play it out in my head, kind of like an episode of a show, before I type. I almost did something like this once, but lost confidence in thinking it would suck. You proved me way wrong.
kirallie chapter 7 . 3/30/2006
Obviously stopped reading SW before this happened. So who has Kakashi and group been sent after? Will they meet up with the others soon?
L'autre monde chapter 7 . 1/21/2006
Oh, I like... I'd like even better if I knew more about star wars.. -_-;;
noiret chapter 7 . 9/27/2005
WOWOWOWOWOW! Fun! This is actually the first Naruto and Starwars crossover that I've seen, and so far, it is very good! keep up the good work!
BlackFeatherz29 chapter 7 . 9/17/2005
Ooh... I like it! For some reason, i'm obsessed with Naruto crossovers, but this one's extremely interesting because most people don't do cross Naruto with Sci-fi series like Star Wars.

Keep updating!
Chimera Spyke chapter 7 . 9/2/2005
well now i must say i am impressed by your story here. starwars and naruto i dont think there are too many of those out there. there do seem to be a bit too many hpnaruto crossovers though. oh well. good detail by the way. also i know its too late to change the story but gaara and temari are not related. unless you can offer me proof, exact proof i will not change my oppion. nobody has ever been able to prove this fact wrong but maybe you'll be the first. the only reference i have ever found that someon would mistake for siblingship was when temari said she felt like her teammates (i.e. gaara and kankuro) were like her family. so please tell me if you know something i dont.
Delphine Pryde chapter 7 . 8/6/2005
An interesting crossover concept. I love it.
abstract tactic chapter 7 . 8/5/2005
Meanie! Why won't you answer my 2nd question? Wah! *goes to a corner and sobs and sulks* Sorry. *grns* Anyway, LOVE YOUR STORY! And, if I was right, do I get a prize, PLEASE? Update soon!
Taijutsukenka chapter 6 . 7/29/2005
Oops. Sorry for muddying the waters. That last part was a badly-phrased question as to how 'normal' Jedi would view Ninja and their jutsu - and then, especially, how they 'take' seeing Lee using his incredible techniques. You had made it apparent earlier that Chakra and Force are totally different. I was just sorta wondering out loud about Lee and how his speed might stack up in the SW universe, as Jedi can be rather quick themeselves.
brokenpromises8 chapter 6 . 7/20/2005
Well, I must say I liked the way you wrote this story (except ch 6, I LIKE being confused) If you want more reviews, all you need to do is change the summary somehow. I almost didnt read this because the summary was too vague (Took me til ch 2 to find out what crossover this was.) All in all, good story, and I cant wait til you update!
abstract tactic chapter 6 . 7/20/2005
More! And I just read to chappie 6, so I'm I right? They are at star wars place or whatever it is called. Anyway, I like your story, but what's happenning in Konoha while they are gone?
Taijutsukenka chapter 5 . 7/14/2005
Hey, this is an original idea! Star Wars with a splash of Naruto! I thought that the way you split the 'main characters' up along different areas/groups was interesting too. I also thought “Oh, s– – – .” when Lee accidentally downed the alien brew. It might have been funny to see how badly Lee might've trashed that bar (and the poor alien) whilst in Drunken Master Mode. Keep up the good work.

One thing: The SW characters MIGHT buy the Naruto ninja as 'oddly trained jedi', or at least Force-Sensitive - but how would they see Lee's insane speed and strength, when he very likely won't 'show up' in the Force at all?
John7Chris chapter 5 . 7/14/2005
Wow. Another Star Wars/Naruto crossover. I thought I was the only one! (although mine is sorely incomplete and hasn't even gotten to the SW part yet!)

And make sure Naruto gets a lightsaber! Ninjas have the speed and possibly senses, you know.
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