Reviews for Reviving the Winds
starlite22 chapter 9 . 7/7
Chapter 11:
Please continue, I still think Beau should stay with Scarlett, he was given to her with no way of taking him back and now he is. His father abandoned him, now has another family and wants him back, it seem unfair to Beau, he needs to stay with Scarlett and her children.
Please write the rest of this story
starlite22 chapter 10 . 7/7
Amazing story so far.
starlite22 chapter 7 . 7/7
She needs to get well and be healthy before having another child.
Daisypeach chapter 11 . 5/1
it's a Damn shame to leave it like that. this was a great story I would ask for you to come back and finish your work here but looking at the dates of your last chapter you posted there is very little hope if that. so here you go; you have a great story and one that I always thought that Bau would and should stay with Scarlett forever she's more a parent to him after Melanie death. and seeing how Scarlett is Evolving into a better person I can see her gaining the respect back from the Atlanta but moving on to Charleston with her children. anyway, I dont know if you'll ever turn around and finish something that you started but looking into your other works and only 9 out of 3 of your works are completed there is some hope that you might come back and put your fans out of our Misery. well here hoping.
Nastya555 chapter 2 . 4/16
You know when you first read or watch something you liked and all the possible outcomes, left out by author, come into your head. And most of them are forgotten sooner or later, all but one. That one sticks. And I didn’t know I was looking for it until I stumbled upon this. Only second chapter and I am biting my elbows trying to prolong the pleasure. Because the pleasure it is, I am already sure of it
gabyhyatt chapter 1 . 11/3/2019
Good fic, please update someday
MissTricey chapter 11 . 8/8/2019
What happened to this story? Omg it’s sooo good I’m so disappointed you didn’t continue. It’s been literally forever but I and several others would be so happy if you came back and updated!
Scarlett1974 chapter 11 . 11/9/2018
I wonder what happened that you choose not to finish this story. It is so sad to get immersed into something and find out there is nothing more and possibly no hope for it ever to be finished.
gumper chapter 11 . 5/5/2018
Omg - to be left hanging at such a cliff hanger!

Really enjoyed the story thus far - will hope for a revival!
magnolia1717 chapter 11 . 5/2/2018
Part 2?
Guest chapter 11 . 3/21/2018
me chapter 1 . 11/19/2017
If you'd read the book, you'd remember that Scarlett had NO difficulty with childbirth.
sarah.shilo chapter 11 . 5/2/2017
You haven't posted in years. I became acquainted with fanfiction only in the past year, and your story is so lovely, it is practically sweet, gentle and very well written. I hope you will find it in you to finish it some day, even if it had been 7 years since you last posted. If you don't just the same, thank you for a fine story.
srshibaharah chapter 11 . 8/4/2016
Please finish your story!
Ellana chapter 11 . 7/2/2016
Hello, I just re-read this story, it is so good, please, could you update ? you said in 2009 that you were working on it ?!
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