Reviews for Why Even Bother
Blue Teh Kitteh chapter 2 . 6/2/2009
I never bother reviewing so I guess this really did set me thinking! Your story's really touching and a few years ago i probably would have agreed with you! Most humans aren't worth the space we take up. But the thing is As useless and pathetic as we never know really. How that asshole you hate so much for w/e reason may be someone else's well life. Like the old saying goes One man's treasure is another man's garbage! It's my point of view that people shouldn't be hated and yeah it's easier said than done when you see how much harm they cause! but Still I think that you shud hate what they do.. not the person. Because no matter how horrible a person may be. they can change and there is really good in all of us! So Yeah.. I dunno.. I felt like saying something haha! Ta~
SillyMoose8 chapter 2 . 9/20/2008
aw! i almost cried! ahh . . . kuwabara. and his honor. that's a cool thought to how he got his steady honor! thanks. the fact that they didn't even know each other made it even more powerful!
TheoneandonlyKaorin chapter 2 . 3/29/2008
I really can't stand people who treat others like that. I have even been one of the victims of rumors and such spread by students who had never met me or had never even been in my class.

One even made a lie that couldn't have been true. But people believed them, of course, because for some odd reason it makes them feel cool. I also can't stand people who hate Kuwabara for him being "dumb". Most may consider him a comic-relief character, but some realize he is much more than that. Kuwabara has a heart of gold, he maybe a goofy idiot, but he is so lovable and funny. It is kind of sad to think that the reason he has few fangirls is because of his looks. I'm sorry for the super long review, it's just that this chapter made me think of my great aunt who passed away not too long ago, and yeah, I'm getting sentimental. But I'll wrap this short, it is becoming an epic instead of a review. XD I love your work so please write more of this kind!

TheoneandonlyKaorin chapter 1 . 3/29/2008
I really enjoyed this story. This is how I feel every day. The story wasn't stupid or crappy at all, it was the honest truth. I think that people need to realize that they aren't the only ones breathing this air and living here. If only more people could understand and agree with this point of view instead of calling it"hippy logic". (that's what I get whenever I say anything like this...) If you have never seen the anime movie Princess Mononoke, I suggest you do. Its message is exactly the focus of this chapter. Keep writing more things to make people think, this story is highly inspirational to me, because recently I felt that we humans are horrible and was starting to rant and think that Sensui was right. But, like Yusuke, I realized that even if the bad outweighs the good, we should still cherish the good in our lives. Even if George W. is still pres for a while longer...XD I'm not a big fan of his. But I am a big fan of your writings.

Armed'n'Strangerous chapter 1 . 6/23/2006
I really like! This whole chapter was technically my point of the world too, and it wasn't stupid or crappy like you said at the bottom.
PervyMonk chapter 1 . 2/10/2006
WOT! WOOT! The deeper side of Yusuke! I love it!

Off to the next chapter...
Serah Villiers chapter 2 . 6/24/2005
Wow, so powerful and emotional (or maybe that's just me? ;) This is truly a unique story, and the second chapter almost had me in tears.

I must admit I sometimes share Yusuke's point of view from the first chapter (I would review them both seperately but am currently pressed for time; exam season is so stressful).

I hope you'll add another one of these stories, they truly are unique and well thought out.

sandry stardiamond chapter 2 . 6/6/2005
that was wonderful, i liked how you made kuwabara stand up for her. i take it for these that you dont like the popular people who make fun of others, you should really write more on it.
sandry stardiamond chapter 1 . 6/6/2005
that was a wonderful story. you got yusuke down and the way that you wrote that gives me hope for this world to.
Animoon chapter 2 . 6/6/2005

i love these stories!

i seriously almost cried

these were really good so write more!

Justyousee chapter 1 . 4/23/2005
I like your fanfic... Um I suck at giving a good review so, sorry for annoying you... But still I'd like to say, awesome fanfic!
Black Wolf Jaganshi Lover chapter 1 . 4/23/2005
Wow. That's deep. Real deep. It's good. But Why wasn't Hiei there hm? Is he one of THEM? Okay. Well it was good. laters.
Cerridwene chapter 1 . 4/23/2005
i like this... i like this alot...

so much doubt, hate and anger. Yet its so easily overcome by the people we care about.

Truly a great work, good job.