Reviews for A Love built from Need
wingsrookie chapter 4 . 5/23/2007
Yay! I love it! Very original. Usually I don't like Percy/Hermione...but this one's exceptional for it's catagory (in a good way - this means I likes it!).
JessMess chapter 4 . 2/16/2007
I've never read a hermione percy atory before but this one seems really good.

BlackHalliwell chapter 4 . 11/13/2006
DRUNKEN LANDLORD chapter 2 . 9/26/2005
I like it please keep it up
Livilin chapter 4 . 8/14/2005
it was a good chappy! though I iwhs it had been longer, it just seems a bit short because i just read a humongous post on another ff, it was killing me because of the length! anyways, please post more, i want to hear how things go and stuff! -gives author an apple pie-
nehimasgift chapter 4 . 8/12/2005
i like the fic. it's rare to have a percy/hermione story and this one is good. i hope you update soon! good job!
Oasis Blackmore chapter 4 . 7/22/2005
That was very short. I liked it though. Do continue.

~ Oasis
GrissomCainefan chapter 3 . 6/28/2005
Hey that is totally ok with me. We all go times like this. Patiently waiting. Julie
Oasis Blackmore chapter 3 . 6/24/2005
*sigh* Okay . . . since I have that same problem sometimes . . . I will truly try not to be spiteful, but please try to get some inspiration soon! _

~ Oasis
Livilin chapter 3 . 6/23/2005
don't worry, everyone gets writer's block, i also happen to have on one of my fics... i just stand there for hours with the pencil in my hand waiting for something to come to me. You should rest, or go places, or go out with your friends, something you do might give ya inspiration!
Livilin chapter 2 . 6/22/2005
keep posting! you're doing very well!
Livilin chapter 1 . 6/22/2005
this looks good! i hope it will have more than the two chapters! you should post more! you have a good plot, grammar, you have a very good fanfic!
GrissomCainefan chapter 2 . 6/21/2005
Hey great story, please post the next chpater asap. Can't wait to read it Keep up the good work.
Oasis Blackmore chapter 2 . 6/20/2005
Wow . . . Poor people. I really like where this is going. Keep it up. _
Oasis Blackmore chapter 1 . 6/20/2005
H m m . . . this an interesting beginning. I like it though. ON TO THE NEXT CHAPTER!

~ Oasis
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