Reviews for Harry Potter and the Chains that Bind
jhsilver123 chapter 1 . 4/14
I know this is old but I would still like to comment.I had hard time reading mainly because of how Dumbledore action seem to be ignored.I picked this one up because its say you weren't going to make Dumbledore evil like those other fanfics but that doesn't mean you should ignore Dumbledore Manipulation. There really is no Excuse for child abuse of which he was very much aware of he admits it him self in canon.
Crownworthy chapter 7 . 5/25/2018
Pawns are the only pieces that can be captured en passant. I see Hermione is being her moralizing and annoying self in this story without it having any consequences. I also note the warning sign of American exchange students. Quitting this fic due to lack of research, and annoying characters and tropes being annoying.
Jonthechaosman chapter 35 . 10/9/2017
I don't know if it's poor reading skills or not but you completely lost me. If someone wants to shoot me a message letting me know what the hell just happened I'd appreciate it
lazy-kaa chapter 35 . 11/24/2016
Sort of illusion in illusion with illusion? Kind of not really fan of such storries. I think, that alternative paths are more interesting, than steps in illusion and return to the fundamentals.
lazy-kaa chapter 16 . 11/23/2016
Just wanted to write a note, that the storry reads easily and interestingly. Actually, that is sort of action, which I expected from JKR, but, unfortunately, it did not turn out. In fact, I hate the idea of JKR for couples. They are so much strange. And here I find quite reasonable Lavanda, Parvati, more natural GG, however, I still do not like her couple with RW.
mckertis chapter 14 . 6/9/2016
dragoon109 chapter 9 . 12/6/2015
snape wasnt a prat in school. the muaders where though.
Warren Shea chapter 1 . 6/14/2015
Very good; well written and good plot development.
inside padme's wardrobe chapter 14 . 1/18/2014
I don't know why this gem does't have more reviews. I just wanted to drop a line and say I really appreciate the hard work you put into this and I am really enjoying it! Thank you!
old-crow chapter 13 . 1/3/2014

First, thanks for sharing your story. Unfortunately, only another storyteller has any idea how much work it is to get a page in decent shape to post. As the pages turn into chapters and the word count adds zeros, it really does become a labor of love.

I thought your first chapter was an inspired bit of storytelling. Setting a teen to come after Harry is both plausible and logical. Besides that, it hasn't already been done a thousand times.

For me, the first eight or ten chapters once Harry got back in school were a bit lacking in action - an OC from America, a couple of marks burned/etched info Harry's dresser, a birdstrike and a mouthy Draco.

I always look at a great fanfic as having an identifiable diversion from canon in the first chapter or two (Harry received some of Lily's stuff) and then logically carry that difference along. That felt like a bit of a missed opportunity so far - your Harry could have done a bunch of magic with Lily's wand, but didn't (that I recall) Instead, you told us that number 12 was cleaned up.

You introduced Kingsley into the mix. He could have given Harry Occlumency lessons every night and really brought his skills up. Instead, we have Snape and a bit of pining over a girl. Again, it has felt like a bit of a missed opportunity.

I haven't read any of the other reviews. Perhaps I'm alone in my view.

That said, I'm off to read the next dozen chapters.

Saphiretigger chapter 1 . 11/13/2013
the only point of a fanfic summery is to hook a reader you comp eating with 30648 hp story's just in English it doesn't need to be a summery it just needs to stand out that being said you did well and i like your story so far.
southern-reader chapter 45 . 8/22/2013
For a story that has been marked as 'Complete' a while ago, you sure do like to keep adding to it.
If a story is complete it is done. Period.
If you want to keep adding chapters, change the status.
kelwin chapter 1 . 8/22/2013
great fic. can't wait to see what happens next!
apothes chapter 13 . 8/21/2013
Another great chapter
apothes chapter 12 . 8/21/2013
Great story so far keep up the awesome work
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