Reviews for Baby Genius
CrazyLittleGermanMiss chapter 1 . 4/24/2012
great job!

I relly like it!
TheMightiestPen2 chapter 1 . 8/4/2011
Nice. :) I like how you did the interactions between characters and the development of their relationship. Good job.
Nozidoz chapter 1 . 1/16/2008
I LOVE your National Treasure fanfics.

Even if, like you said, your information isn't completely right-I bought into it like candy, man! Your writing rocked! I envisioned it so well, like the characters actually were there. I also love the whole odd bonding and just imagining what it was like, the whole gang, back in the beginning.

You've done such a lovely job!

I hope to read more NT stuff from you in the future! So yes, you should definetly do a POST-NT fic!
rose.tinted.lies chapter 1 . 1/10/2008

Well-written, well characterized, and it all flows together brilliantly.

WinterBaby19 chapter 1 . 1/4/2008
Amazing story! I read your other stroy, Origins, too. You are a really good writer! I hope you do another sequel soon!
Miss Anderton chapter 1 . 11/22/2007
Augh! I loved the introduction to Phil. It was so on character!

Awesome job on the paying-for-the-pizza fight scene! Hehe! It's all so funny! ; )

“Why are we even looking for a person?” Riley finally asked, exasperated. “For all we know, Charlotte could have been someone’s pet bird or…or their buggy or something. I mean, people name their cars all the time, so maybe Charlotte was somebody’s wagon…” This is totally Riley. The sentance is perfect and as he trails off, I can see it in the exact same tone of voice as when he says in the movie, "That means, by the time Ian figures it out and comes back here, we'll still be trapped and he'll shoot us then..."

One thing I didn't like about this was that everyone was there when Ben & Riley were figuring out the location of The Charlotte, so they all heard the explanation about how she could have ended up where she was. This contradicts the movie when one of the guys is confused about "how could a ship wind up way out here?" Riley - "Well, I'm no expert but..." Just thought you might want to know.

I liked that you included the rogue wave. Little details like that make the story more credible.

Um, yea! Write a post-NT sequel. I'd love to read it.

Thanks for writing,

Miss Anderton
AchillesMonkey chapter 1 . 11/10/2006
I enjoyed this and its prequel. I would enjoy a sequel, only I don't have any ideas on what it should be about, sorry.
Misile chapter 1 . 10/18/2006
Whee! I loved that story.. and I also loved Origins, but I didn't review. -cough- The Russian dude's name is Viktor. That's all I know, but al of their names were given at least once,a nd i had them All memorized at one time or another...

WE WANT A SEQUEL! even though you wrote this like, a year ago...
silmirof4077 chapter 1 . 11/11/2005
Hey I love both your stories and would like to featue them on my website I'll give you full credit. If this is OK let me know on
lazaefair chapter 1 . 7/14/2005
It's been three months since you posted "Baby Genius" but I want to say that it is excellently done. I, too, enjoy 'Ian is a good guy' stories and I also like the way you portray Riley-still smart-alecky but also smart. Great characterizations, true to the spirit of the original movie, and you also did a very good job of fleshing out the relationships between Ian, Ben, Riley, and the rest of them. I would really, really love to see you write another sequal-maybe try to tackle post-NT, or perhaps a 'between the scenes' fic?
Kyoko-chan and Mistress-sama chapter 1 . 7/8/2005
I can't review twice on one story, so, I'm sorry about the cubical thing! I accidentaly skipped that paragraph! But your age for Riley is exactly the same as mine, and if two people come up with the same conclsion, it's probably right! And for this story, the way ben talks about the location of the Charlotte, I figure it's somewhere in northern canada, not alaska.
Rebell chapter 1 . 6/24/2005
...ok i'm done. You're a very good writer, and i think your stories are really beleiveable. In fact, they should come out with a second edition with your preNT parts acted out. I'll start a petition...
pucktofaerie chapter 1 . 6/17/2005
Love your little shorts! I love the focus on how Riley joined the group and such. When you think about it, there must have been some reluctance to let Riley join the gang. Anywho, keep up the great work!
wcspegasus chapter 1 . 6/9/2005
I read this a few days ago and was apparently a very bad reader and didn't leave a review (despite adding it to my favorites list). However, I'm short on time, so I'll be brief. I thought this was a fun read and any errors are totally forgiven, after all, it's not like the movie itself was completely error-free either. :) Nice job!
Katie chapter 1 . 6/1/2005
I enjoyed this story and Origins very much. In the way of the names of Ian's gang, I know at least that the name of the one that fell through the stairs under the church's name was Shawn, and I'm sure if one watched the credits VERY closely we could find the others... but I'm not quite that obsessed. After all, I've only watched it 20 times...
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