Reviews for I Know Who You Are and I Saw What You Did
u r awesome chapter 8 . 3/11/2012
Great story! I love the suspense and exciting details in this story! You write really well. Th
elevenhurricanes chapter 1 . 6/6/2010
Definitely just freaked out a little when I saw how you spelled the "Kaila" girl's name. Haha. I guess you can tell why because of my penname.

Can't wait to read the next chapter.

-Kaila Nicole
Denalien chapter 8 . 2/25/2009
Cool,keep up the good writing!
linkinparkh2over chapter 8 . 8/14/2007
heyy buddyy :]

so..i basically miss you. and i noticed that youve stopped writing tt fics. well, they cancelled the show, and i was really angry until i realized that i hadn't watched it basically since you left. i didnt really have a right to protest or anything, haha. but, anyway, hows oregon? hows weston and tu madre? hows life? freshman year of highschool was great :] but hows everything so far?

[and now, this has been basically the most random review ive ever left...anyone...ever...lucky you :P]
Raven's Secret chapter 8 . 5/13/2007
*gasp* i know who the killer is! this is really getting good! update soon!
Raven's Secret chapter 4 . 5/13/2007 absolute favorite song done by Evenescence. good placing in the story too. :D
Raven's Secret chapter 3 . 5/13/2007
yet another wonderful chapter. i can't wait to read your others!
Raven's Secret chapter 2 . 5/13/2007
again, good chapter! if you are still making/giving out those picture thingies, i would love one. :)
Raven's Secret chapter 1 . 5/13/2007
oh god...that's friggin awesome! can't wait to read more!
Psychotol chapter 7 . 8/20/2006
This may have been covered before in the reviews, but going through 115 of them? Recipe for line hypnosis.

Why are they attending school when they have to be on QRA the whole time? Can't they study at the tower? They appear to have such a budget that they can get one on one tutoring for accelerated and higher quality education in just about anything.

Otherwise, this is an interesting plot, first thought is "one poxy serial killer picking on the Titans? This is going to be funny." but a superpowered serial killer? and having the guy operate Raven as a UCV, even better, nice work there.

Only on page 7 at the moment, continuing on.
darkrae52334 chapter 7 . 6/21/2006
omg thanx for finally updating! I WAS GOING CRAZY! (well ok actually i didn't notice till about a week ago... mostly cuz i'd given up) but hey yours is a catchy story! ha i will laugh if red is involved in the killer thing. anyways keep writing!

(i know i suck at reviews)
darkxangelxravenx chapter 1 . 4/16/2006
i realy love it! i hope you keep up the good work and plz dont give up!
Chibi Scooby chapter 8 . 4/1/2006
Hello! Yay! You updated! It was worth the wait, I think. I hope you update again soon. Sorry it took me a while to review... I forgot to checdk my e-mail...

Taylor chapter 8 . 3/25/2006
That was great!Please hurry and review!
Nightmare chapter 8 . 2/18/2006
well i am glad you updated. I havn't in ages caus i am suffering from boredom. i will and i liked the chapter but i have completely forgetn bout the story till now, no offence, and have no clue what is happening, well a little.
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