Reviews for Visionary
oldemystic chapter 9 . 9/17/2006
A very dramatic chapter. It seems like Sara might have a new lead. Will it pan out?
Angel452 chapter 9 . 9/9/2006
What will happen next? When will Sara tell Danny about the Witchblade? What does Sara want from Gabriel's apartment? Has she figured out how to save Gabriel? Please post more as soon as possible.
Oldemystic chapter 8 . 8/27/2006
Poor Gabe. The box won't give him peace even when he's badly injured. Can the blade break the box's hold? Where did Ian go?
Angel452 chapter 8 . 8/26/2006
What will happen next? What will Gabriel tell Danny? Will Danny ask Gabriel why he called for him? What will Sara find out? How will Danny react to what Sara tells him? Please post more as soon as possible.
oldemystic chapter 7 . 8/11/2006
Has Gabe changed destiny or only delayed Danny's fate. Is Ian still lurking?
Angel452 chapter 7 . 8/2/2006
What will happen next? Will Gabriel have a chance to warn Danny before he leaves? Where is Sara when this happens? Please post more as soon as possible.
oldemystic chapter 5 . 7/24/2006
Well, that didn't go well - replacing one death with another - and it seem like Gabe is getting sucked into the box's spell. Will Sara call on Ian for help? Can she patch up things with Danny? Will the Blade help her and Gabe?
Angel452 chapter 5 . 7/24/2006
What will happen next? Will Sara tell Danny about the Witchblade? Will she tell him about what is going on with Gabriel? Please post more as soon as possible.
oldemystic chapter 4 . 7/22/2006
Great update. I'm glad you've decided to post more.

Do you have any stories posted at Witchblade Connections? It is still an active WB fan fiction site.
Thought chapter 4 . 7/21/2006
O, this is interesting! Though it makes me want to hug Gabriel. *g* It'll also be interesting to see how you handle Danny finding out, if you choose to do that. Awesome story!
Angel452 chapter 4 . 7/21/2006
What will happen next? Is Danny still waiting at the church? What will Sara tell Danny? How will she explain the arm? Please post more as soon as possible.
applexbabe chapter 3 . 8/7/2005
Now I'm mad. I want to know what happens at the park! And I can't until you post part 3! You said you had 9 written, right? So post 'em :) Like I said, I love this. It is just... fantastic and amazing. Also as I've said, I've never seen such an elaborate and well done fic. I really love this so far. I love it's originality and suspense and mystery... it's perfect.

I hate that there seem to be so few Witchblade authors now... And less authors means less stories, which means less readers and reviewers to the stories that are still being posted, like this one, and that's not fair, because you SO desevre for this to be read and commented on and praised. So here is me reading and commenting and praising :)

I'm sure more people read it, just not everyone reviews - don't leave us readers hanging! This is great!

kayciwebster at yahoo dot com

- You're on my faves :)
applexbabe chapter 2 . 8/7/2005
It's very good, and very well done. By well done, I mean awesomely done. And I'm not just saying this to be flattering. You deserve all high praise for this story. I've never seen such an intricate and planned out fanfiction as this one before, with an actual original plotline to it... it's great. I am so hooked on it, I hope you continue to post it's updates :)
applexbabe chapter 1 . 8/7/2005
I think you need more reviews for this, so I'm reviewing every chapter. I noticed you didn't have many reviews, either. I'm sure people read it. I'm sure it's just that less and less people have come to the site after Witchblade was canceled, so there are less people to read it... but don't leave the ones that do read it hanging! I say this because you haven't posted the 3rd part yet, and you say in the top of the prologue that you already have 9 written...

Well, I think it's intriguing so far. Very, very, interesting and I'm hooked already. I'm rushing on to read the next bit :) This is great so far!
Angel452 chapter 3 . 6/15/2005
What will happen next? Will Gabriel be okay? How is Irons involved? Will Sara be able to save Gabriel? Will Sara reveal the witchblade to Jake and/or Danny? Please post more as soon as possible.
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