Reviews for Strange Fruits
Vera-Sama chapter 1 . 2/5/2009
Just randomly found this and had to read. I had a gigglfit the whole time. Great fun.
Hikari Aiko chapter 1 . 9/1/2008
Brilliant. I was laughing. Please write more. Great job!
Siamh chapter 1 . 6/24/2007
lol, ah the joys of Fullmetal and Roy together. I love it. By the way I DO! read your other stories! I sware... I'm just reading the other fandoms right now. See I'm on Fullmetal Alchemist right now, soon I'll go back to Harry Potter and get on to A rose by any other name. lol sorry if I made you think I abandoned reading it! keep writing your awesome!
AirElemental101 chapter 1 . 11/5/2006
Well, I guess there's something to be said about 3 am fic creations. That gave me a good laugh, thanks a bunch!
crematosis chapter 1 . 8/28/2006
XD innuendos! That reminds me...i need to do another one of those...maybe with something besides gummy worms and life savers. XD oh yes..i love your kind of i am at 10 at night reading this thing and going, "oh gawd...i know where this is going! We're taking our minds surfing down the gutter! lmao...more fruit!" hey wait a minute...that dog wasn't fruit...animal cruelty! 0_o err...just kidding..don't show me...really..just don't. Lol, you've brought back pleasant perverted memories to me from my school days when i would stuff a banana in my mouth and walk around school sucking on it...and how we used to pester people about banana hammocks...and the banana phone song! my whole life is filled with fruit! XD oh...don't forget the limes and the lemons. I bet you feel special now that you've got a rambling psycho reviewing your stuff late at night...yosh! You better keep it up! err...on second thought, let me rephrase that. xD I wanna see more off-colour humour! I demand it!
angelinpunk chapter 1 . 11/11/2005
lol, very funny
boopkit chapter 1 . 10/23/2005
oh. ive just remember to review it. im the one who send you the email about my comic ,afterall. i loved it, and you know it. yah! more humour we need.
MeganMustang chapter 1 . 7/26/2005
[laughs hystarically] that was intresting. i got lost a couple times but ti was funny )
Kiwee chapter 1 . 6/24/2005
That...was really good...disturbing, but good...and extremly funny...a squel of sorts?
apairofglasses chapter 1 . 6/21/2005
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That was absolutely hilarious! . OMG, man... that was great. keep up the awesome work! XD
Yaoi-Rules chapter 1 . 6/13/2005
O.o This was really weird, but it was also really funny. XD I nearly choked on my water. XDD It made me want to see what else you've written.
Mistress of Muses chapter 1 . 6/10/2005
That was highly entertaining!

BAD BAD jokes/puns/euphemisms, but hilarious!

And I thought the ending was sweet... _
strawberryotaku chapter 1 . 6/7/2005
LMAO! I would've fallen off my chair, had people in my house not been sleeping! I think most anime fans tend to be nocternal . . .
x'Dark Sakura'x chapter 1 . 6/7/2005
Cortney: IT'S AN ED SUNDAE! yum... coconut...

Becca: ew... coconut...

Cortney: But coconut is so good! Especially when its Roy... *droolz*

Becca: ~_~... Ed... _ I'll teach u to draw. lol.

Totally: All night long...

It: o_O onee-chan does what?

Becca: *punching totally*


Becca: oi oi.
Eveilae chapter 1 . 5/20/2005
Dammit, Fullmetal. tee hee.
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