Reviews for Foolproof
Gone Gone Very Gone chapter 1 . 9/11/2009
Good story! :)

DailyProphetEditor chapter 1 . 4/30/2007
Good one! This could be a flashback or a memory scene in one of Rowling's books, both of them are perfectly in character. Really an enjoyable read!
Aragon chapter 1 . 8/26/2006
It was an interesting possible missing scene from canon you wrote there. A little fast imo in the decision-making progress though - especially in that little Harry has ANOTHER parent who apparently was expected to mindlessly agree to everything the two guys came with. Lily in canon didn't seem to be a docile saintly figure just waiting to sacrifice herself and defering to the "strong" men but a rather temperamental, headstrong and aggressive young woman. And with JKR's world so carefully made equal in terms of gender I can't see her as not having an input or the men naturally assuming they could simply do as they wish in a live and death matter...

However I'm rather disgusted that you took the way of many Marauders-fans and went for "and they were all one nice, little, happy equal family until that unattractive Peter..." willfully ignoring not only the clear power-imbalance within the gang not only applying to poor pathetic Pettigrew but the explicit stating in canon that Sirius (and thus inseperable other half, brother in all but blood James likely too) believed Remus the traitor selling the Order out to Voldemort! Since that suspicion apparently lasted from at least the moment the hiding was planned, didn't abate during the weeks the Potters were secreted away at Godrics Hollow right up until the moment when Sirius had the fact shoved in his face that secret keeper Peter took Voldemort to the now late Potters it can't have been just a fleeting doubt. Oh, he's not available due full moon indeed. _

There must have been some massive distrust regarding Lupin's loyalty both to the Order and to the lead-Marauders from Sirius' and James' side at least, probably fuelled by Peter who couldn't have wished for a better thing happening! And I can't imagine those two being either shy nor discreet in voicing their suspicions. I'd be very surprised if Lupin was allowed any private contact with the Potters and Sirius in those last weeks before Hallowwen 1981.

Lupin said he in turn suspected Black but obviously nobody cared what HE thought at that time as his word carried no weight in the matter. And from readers information at least he had better reasons to distrust Sirius due to him having been used as a would-be murder-weapon by his "friend" already during school. Whereas we have no idea what made Sirius (and possibly James and others) suspect Remus of treachery: the lycanthropy is unlikely to have been the reason since it seemed to be the main attraction of Lupin and they had control over their grateful "pet-werewolf" for years...
AnaSedai chapter 1 . 8/8/2005
Just one word: Ouch!

Really, this story is a perfect example of classical Greek tragedy. People find out what the future holds, and they do their godamndest to make sure it doesn't happen, only to bring about the very thing they were trying to prevent!

This was one of those stories that just made me want to reach through the screen and throttle them both back to their senses. It's like a car wreck. You know it's horrible, but you can't look away.
Trinity Day chapter 1 . 4/20/2005
Definitely enjoyed this. The interaction between James and Sirius was great. I especially liked how Sirius kept on insisting that the plan was foolproof and the fact that "[t]he older [James] got, the less he liked plans that were 'foolproof'." All around, it was nicely done.
I Write Tragedies chapter 1 . 4/16/2005
I thought that it was okay but it doesn't make sense to me because Sirius mentions Godric's Hollow and if he already knows where James, Lily and Harry will be hiding then Voldemort or his Death Eaters could easily get the information out of him regardless of whether or not he was Secret Keeper.

I didn't like your writing style, sentence structure or your word usage because they all seemed so common to me, which means that I'm easily going to forget this. There was nothing extraordinary or even all that different about this fic that sets it apart from the thousands I've already read. Also, there was a severe lack of detail so I couldn't even imagine the room they were in. Quite boring.

The only good thing about this was that Sirius was in cannon.
HPROXMYSOX chapter 1 . 4/10/2005
Is this a one-shot? Cause it's pretty awesome. It really hit me in the gut. It's just so sad to know what's coming. And to know that by Christmas, they won't be celebrating Voldie's demise. James and Lily'll be dead. That's just so sad...But it's really good! I wish there was more.
brennQT chapter 1 . 4/10/2005
Great little fic. It's a one shot right? Yeah, I'd figure it is 'cause it works perfectly as one. Everyone knows what comes next anyway. *sigh* It's really sad. Sirius was doing what was best for his best friend and his family. He didn't know Peter would be a traitor! Ugh! It's just not fair y'know? Everytime I think about it, it makes me so sad. It's so terrible that something like that could happen. Awesome job! I love it! I just wish the long run had a happier ending...*sad shrug* Great job.
Dogedoos chapter 1 . 4/9/2005
I loved this story. Another success for you! James is exactly as I picured him, and Sirius is still acting like he's a teenager. You did well to picture this plan ending in smiles...unfortunatly for the Potters we all know that it doesn't...Anyway, congrats!
greenconverses chapter 1 . 4/8/2005
Wow, did I ever enjoy this one-shot! It was well written, well characterised, well thought-out, and just really awesome in general!

I really loved your James and your Sirius. James was perfect, how he should've been as a new father, and Sirius was perfectly haughty and sure of himself. I really liked how your thought out Sirius's plan better and made it seem that it would work, except if we didn't already no what happens. I also loved the sense of dread that James had throughout the entire fic - it matched my perfectly when James finally agreed it try it!

Thanks for the awesome one-shot and I'll be on the lookout for more fics from you!

- Kioko
excessivelyperky chapter 1 . 4/7/2005
Aie. It could so easily have happened like that, too. Surprised that James didn't bring up any of the other Brilliant Ideas that nearly got people killed, mind you, but I'm sure he's had this sort of argument with Sirius before. (shudder) And we all know how it came out.