Reviews for Out of the Past
WhiteRose-Kurama chapter 19 . 7/23/2015
I'm finally all caught up and I enjoyed every minute of it. This is the first IY x Greek mythology fic that I've read. It was very refreshing and very well done. Everything flowed well together and you kept me on my toes with each new twist that was revealed. I kept questioning myself about what I thought would happen and who would be the bad guy... I was surprised to find out which person was actually a reincarnated god or goddess. Also, I loved all your OCs especially Hiro and Yuki. Please keep up the good work and I look forward to reading your sequel. :P
sesshyayame the best chapter 19 . 6/14/2013
I kinda hate you now. putting me through such a long winded story, interesting may it be, the ending was just It just made me want to hit you.
Guest chapter 19 . 3/20/2013
ok so seriously, this story was dark. It is a angst ridden story with horror not romance and adventure. It was well written, and had great twist to it. The way you are so cruel to the characters in your stories is slightly disturbing. Do any of them ever get to be happy or are they all twisted, crazy, dressed, and demented? Anyway keep up the writing, your very good at it. Maybe one day you will write on of the character finding a little bit of happiness... maybe...
Bound by death chapter 19 . 10/8/2012
OMG! BEST STORY EVER! Your are the best writer in the fricking world!" Make More stories like this!
bloodysue chapter 19 . 10/13/2011
I'm so speechles! This was really wonderfully written! You really kept up the suspense until the very last bits! I loved it, really did! I spent hours reading it in the span of two days and actually strained my eyes doing so lol! Apart from a few typos, it was amazing! The ending was really sad though! I would have wished for Kouga to come back to life...but since his body was never found, I guess in the sequel you mentioned, there will be something about it :)

Gotta say, I'm looking forward to reading that! :) (I should hold back though since I need to read material for my thesis instead of getting lost reading these fan fics lol :P

Extremely well done and keep up the great work! :)
OpalJad3 chapter 19 . 9/17/2011
Its not Adventure/Romance It's Drama/Tragedy also Kagome is just in this story is just Pathetic srry
Rea27 chapter 19 . 1/17/2011
loved the fic and can't wait for more! I really like how you ended it and can't wait for the sequal! :)
Haku's Lover18 chapter 19 . 1/9/2011
Very good story. I hope the sequel will be as good as if not better than this.
Amity Verity Fortunato chapter 12 . 6/27/2010
i love this story.
DreamBeamz chapter 19 . 6/13/2010
I can't even begin to tell you how much I have loved this story! It is simply amazing and I can't wait for the sequel! _ *hugs*
Kita Tsuki chapter 19 . 6/7/2010
I LOVED THIS STORY SOOOO, really I did. :D I loved the Greek Mythology incorporated into this. That just made it better. Also, Thanos sounded yummy *licks lips* even though he was a baddie ;D. I can't wait for your sequel! xD
Chrysolite Heart chapter 18 . 3/9/2010
ahh.. nice long chapter! :D

awesome job.. keep it up! :P
K.S.K.R.S.S.M.I chapter 18 . 2/2/2010
I really have been enjoying this story, it is truly different from the rest.i cannot wait for your next installment.
XxSilverXTearsxX chapter 18 . 12/20/2009
Please update soon. i can't wait. I love the story so far and all the characters.
LeSinner chapter 18 . 11/16/2009
Ok, firstly, it's a school night, and your fic got me so hook up, I was reading until two in the bloody morning. Come on, please update. Kouga and the others... Even Yuki. I want to know what the hell is going on. :))
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