Reviews for Naruto: Legacy
Mr. Red Hex chapter 40 . 8/14/2008
Great chapter, I particularly liked the Inuzuka bit. Kuromaru's past was refreshing and actually got me thinking. Are summons really considered demons or do they just co-exist in the same plain as them. Also Mantarou's massacring of the Toad's makes me realize how insane the man is (kudos to you on that, the twist in the last chapter SHOCKED me to say the least). His hatred for demons has irrationalized him to the point where he is murdering sentient, and benivolent beings. The toads had never transgressed against humans mavolently (at most they are guilty of all crimes their shinobi summoners are), and for him to just go killing them would be hypocritical to his point of saving the innocent. Well he's been conflicted like that before, and I must commend you on weaving such a complex character into the plot.

Moving on I have to ask, do the IKS have spies in the Leaf? Or better yet in th Hokage's office, because Jadoku's infomation on Neji was not only accurate but they also had explicit infomation on the rest of Konoha's black ops. I'm starting to a get a really bad feeling about this whole situation (the IKS member's have memorized Konoha's black ops list, which is kinda like the CIA of manga!). Konoha's lax policies don't seem to be helping either. Like that whole confrontation with Jadoku and Hinata could have been avoided if Neji just finished the job after he defeated Jadoku, I understand there was the border issue but disposing of a body with that much incriminating evidence should have came first.

Anyway thats all I have to say for this particular chapter. 'Twas a pleasure

Black Saint
Mr. Red Hex chapter 37 . 8/14/2008
With all the sincerity in my heart I say, that was the best chapter I've ever read! Not only was the suspense mounting at every paragraph before finally climaxing with the Sawakage's (spelling?) bomb stunt, but I found the WW2 history analogies frighteningly fitting for one such as Nobunaga. His lightning war and double alliances threaten to change the very face of the shinobi world and I have a feeling that he has a secret weapon that will spell even more trouble for the Konoha ninja. Hopefully they can turn turn teh tides in this war without Naruto, but a sneaking suspicion tells me Kyuubi's power will be needed once again.

Anyway as for the technology arguement I agree with you that rifles seem to be a missing whole in the Narutoverse, as they have electronic billboards which in the whole technology spectrum of advancement is lightyears ahead of a simple rifle. PLus I figure once the marsh nins got a taste of what a small bullet could do tank fire and artillery were only mere years way from being 'discovered'. And as you stated the ninja and army combination is like the German Panzer unit and Luftwaffe, possibly even more devastating even how MUCH damage a ninja can do if even ample time to complete handseals.

Anyway Im gonna wrap this review up by saying INCREDIBLE work and I look forward to seeing how this whole situation pans out.

Black Saint
Dualhunters chapter 46 . 8/7/2008
damn u and ur cliffhanger

nice idea moving back the clock and bringing back Haku and Z-man
DonutBeagle chapter 44 . 8/7/2008
Wow, I just read a review from Kotetsu's Fang, and I beleive he needs to lighten up a little bit. I mean, not all main characters are immortal in the Narutoverse, look what happened to Jiraiya
Copper Chihuahua chapter 46 . 8/3/2008
Keep going forward! In my opion, their isn't a problem with the begining. It's easy to follow. The Jutsu should be updated, but they can wait! I want to know what's happening in the demon world more.
Yami Vizzini chapter 44 . 6/27/2008
Forget what I said about Chiyo's name; if her (married) surname could be passed down through a daughter, she could pass down her maiden name. Plus the hulking puppet monster form of Sasori in this story may not be related to her anyway. And in fact I shouldn't be so obsessed with full names; this fic already gives far more detail in that regard (and in many others) than most other fics or even the manga itself, more than I could have ever expected. Just keep doing what you do!
Mystic Soul Shards chapter 1 . 6/23/2008
best story i have EVER read in the long time i'v been reading fanfiction. keep up the great work.

thank you very much!
Kotetsu's Fang chapter 23 . 6/1/2008
i was loving ur story till it got to the part where mantarou became narutos father? , that jusT killed it. the battle scenes and conversations with the fox were so good too.

rin is his mother? WTF lame.
AllTriangles chapter 4 . 5/11/2008
Err, the reason for wood element not being used in the series is that only the Shodai Hokage ever possessed the ability to use it. Having two affinities(like Sasuke's fire/lightning) is incredibly rare, but being able to combine them like the Shodai is one in a trillion chance.

Other than that, this story is acceptable. Not fantastic, but so few are. I like it.
DonutBeagle chapter 46 . 5/9/2008
As usual, great work! I love how far this story has come and it is one of my favorites!

But a word of advice: You really don't need to go overboard with all the bloodline abilities. I mean, the Sharingan, Byukagan, and Rinnegan is good enough.

By the way, Naruto Chapter 399 is finally out! Can't wait for the big 400!
FictionReader98 chapter 46 . 5/4/2008
Well... I can tell you that I personally don't mind more of your Naruto story over your Digimon ones. But that's because I'm biased on the matter, since I don't read the Digimon ones.

Anyway, you're going to rewrite the first part of Legacy? Yikes. That's going to be a lot of hard work, but I'll wish you luck (lots and lots of it). I can tell you I definately look forward to it. Especially Naruto and Jiraiya vs. the Sandaime Kazekage puppet. Wicked cool!

So the Journals have shifted to Sarutobi Sasuke this time around. Interesting. Wasn't expecting anything like that, but it was definately good. And Senju Hashirama makes an appearance in your story (kinda, but it's all good).

I'm also quite glad to hear some expansion on the whole Hi no Goeinin, most notably on how and when they were formed. Also quite glad to see that Chiriku has also been expanded on, as well as they're fighting style that the manga mentioned, but never elaborated on. Summoning spirits to bolster one's own body is just perfect for them. Brillant idea. Made me wish I could had thought something up like that. And having Chiriku being one of the Fourth's teammates under Jiraiya? Didn't see that one coming at all, but since I've always wondered about those two, I can live with it.

And Nagato and Konan (finally!) has made an appearance in this story, as the Tsuchikage and Raikage respectively. I had thought you would had kept your little... tradition... of canon Akatsuki members allying with Konoha (Pein did for a time, Zetsu might, Hidan has, etc) and have Konan ally with Konoha. No matter. She's in the story and that's good enough for me.

Speaking of Hidan, I'm quite enjoying how he and Naruto interact (I was both stunned and laughing when Hidan told Naruto to set him on fire - not an easy thing to do - and the respective comments that followed). Naruto and Hidan's little raid on the River army camp was also very amusing.

I couldn't help but agree with Chiriku's line of "it seems people have a hard time staying dead these days, don’t they?" Makes me wonder if anyone else that has been previously... decased... will pop back up to the realm of the living.

And we finally know what's so terrible about Oda Nobunaga's ability that made Kuro Jadoku scared out of his mind all those chapters ago. Molecular Destruction. That's rather... fitting. I wonder if he's the type that just relies on his bloodline to fight, or if he has other tricks up his sleeve.

The brief scene with Team Asuma 2.0 - meaning Konohamaru and Hanabi's little banter - was quite funny, like the other times. I can't help but really pity Sasuke now. I wonder how much longer his sanity will remain with as long as he's with this group. But I can't help but be incredibly envious at Asuma - as well as Jiraiya and Chiriku - right now. I mean... the origin of the worlds; the creation of the Biju and man; the beginnings of the Uzumaki Clan; the birth of the Shinobi itself and why Mantarou has to be stopped. All I can do is ask: when, when, WHEN do we get to know!

And so all hell breaks loose with Nobunaga cancelling the Chunin exams and attacking the stadium itself as numerous battles start forming. I greatly look forward to all of these, especially Harada Ieyasu who is facing FIFTEEN opponents at once and merely considers this "tough odds". Just what is the Rin'engan goind to do in your story? The fact that Nobunaga and Tsuande are going to go at it. I can't help but worry for her. I don't think she knows about Nobunaga's bloodline and one touch is all he needs...

And it seems that Pein has indeed become evil afterall. Well... perhaps evil isn't the best term to use, but he's definately fighting against Konoha now. Pity, I was liking the fact that he was on Konoha's side. Part of me wonders if Pein intends to backstab Nobunaga so he can become leader of Ame. I figured part of his plans while leading the Rebels and overthrowing the Rain government was so he could replace them and rule himself. Maybe he still does. Or maybe he doesn't care. Either way, I'm going to keep a close eye on him.

Believe that's everything to say on the matter. Best of luck on your exams!
Buddhahobo chapter 46 . 5/4/2008
Arashi should be made of earth and chakra like Haku commented on earlier, right? I don't think molecular destruction could effect chakra...

I'm abit confused on what you mean by "flashbacks" in the first part of the story. Wasn't the entire fight a giant flashbask? Are you planning on changing that or are you going to find another way to incorporate the flashbacks? It be a shame if you just remove them. And what do you mean knowing more about Itachi and Kisame? Itachi gets that unstoppable Tengu skeleton Sasuno which doesn't fit with what's happening in Part II to add, and Kisame? What's there to add? Not only does he have little in the fighting department that is known about, but I recall his soul being eaten

rather quickly after his fight with Naruto began.
Garlak chapter 46 . 5/2/2008
Great chapter. Can't wait for more. I agree about the Yondaime and Kajidaimyo seeming to be kindred spirits.

And is Toushin's name a coincidence or is it deliberately chosen, maybe to give us a clue (or red herring)? Anyway, great chapter.
shadowstorm13 chapter 46 . 5/1/2008
holy f*ck that was one of the longest if not the longest chapters i have ever read ty for updating
Paosheep chapter 46 . 5/1/2008
I found this chapter to be quite wonderful.

"The origin of the worlds.

The creation of the Biju.

The creation of man.

The beginnings of the Uzumaki Clan.

The very birth of the shinobi itself.

And why Uzumaki Mantarou’s rampage through Makai had to be stopped, no matter the cost."

This passage in particular. I'm really looking forward to this part.
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