Reviews for Eyes
P'choona chapter 1 . 6/11/2008
That was absolutely beautiful. Made me a bit teary-eyed even. I always thought Canas/Erk would work too, and you portrayed them nicely.

It's a good message and I wish all people would be more open-minded like yourself.

Loved it! Keep it up!
Anonymous chapter 1 . 1/17/2007
First, a note to anyone who thinks homosexuality is a choice: IT FREAKING ISN'T. Anyone who thinks it's a choice is most likely straight, and their argument is therefore invalid. Sure, they can say "I chose not to be gay", but really, think about it. The reason they "chose" not to be gay is because their mind rejects the idea in the first place, so it was never really a decision at all. I didn't choose to be bisexual, I discovered it.

Anyway, about the story: I loved it! And I also agree with the message it has. Keep up the good work!
Nariko.Hoshi chapter 1 . 4/11/2006
not excpecting many reviews, huh? think ya did pretty well. 18! lucky you. ahem. anyway, it really is a great story. i've never been a big fan of erk/canas (never had anyhting against them though), but that was really amazing. and sad. but that is such a good story. you really really have talent! keep writing
LilliamThomdet chapter 1 . 4/11/2006
very good fic! I LOVE it!
RandomTopic chapter 1 . 3/19/2006
I like this. Good job!
Magic Pyro Anabeil chapter 1 . 3/10/2006
Aw! _ I LOVE this story! You're such a talented writer! D *faves*

Keep writing!
Renn chapter 1 . 1/18/2006
That was really really *really* cool. You did a great job on it, and well, you moved me, too!
dance-whore chapter 1 . 12/31/2005
My god, that was great. I'm not a big Canas/Erk fan (this is actually the first time I've thought of it), but as I have nothing against the pairing, I thought why the hell not?

I love all the journal entries and the underlined text. It went rather nicely with the story.
Kumori-hime chapter 1 . 12/27/2005
That was really touching. I can see why you put that note in the beginning. It was beautiful.
ThuhGamefreak chapter 1 . 12/16/2005
The way the story was written is fine, great even, but the subject SUCKS! I'm not incredibly religious or anything, but all this crap about people discriminating against queers defiles the laws of logic, as well as God's specific orders in the Bible. Gayness isn't something that just happens with no way to contol it. It is a choice, and it is a perverse one. I honestly hope that you don't believe a WORD of the bull in this about people doing "terrible" things to gays, because the one who was first against gayness was God. This goes beond a mere yaoi fic, because it insults God and his orders. End of story.

On a side note, it was one of God's laws that adultery is also despicable, and was also punishable by death. Pervert.
otaku22 chapter 1 . 9/12/2005
This was a really good story! I've never even heard of the series, but I'm glad I read it because it was really cute, with him finding all those books and the realization and everything-beautiful! Good job!
Komrade Kwestions chapter 1 . 5/9/2005
You certainly raise good points and such, but I don't like this pairing. Canas is a married man.
Vangrul chapter 1 . 4/5/2005
Okay your fic is evil. I hate Yaoi. I read up to the warning and was wondering what would happen. So I continued. It went on to be fine I guess minus the kiss scene. So see what my conflict. I still hate Yaoi but this story can be a slight exeption since it was very, very, minor. I still say its evil though for me a Yaoi hater since I seen it wasn't so bad, but there always someone to screw it up for me.
Coco-Sama chapter 1 . 4/5/2005
HAHAHA! I'm writing a review again without reading the story! XD but I TOLD YOU that if you started a new story, you'd quit your old one! for the Return of Kukki, YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO UPDATE IT TWO WEEKS AGO! THAT WAS YOUR DEADLINE! anywaz~ you can tell me about this story at school! _ Or i'll just call you...
Le Petite Chef M chapter 1 . 3/31/2005
JULIE! ;_; that was beautiful! A true piece of art work, if I do say so! Are you still in Ohio? Well, anyhow, I really, really thought this fic was great. A good job for your first Fire Emblem fic. But you WERE late with your 'Return of Kukki' update. Or maybe the computer in Arizona is just slow. But either way, I DON'T SEE THE 2ND CHAPTER UP! But I guess this can count as something. ...Alright. After 2 sec of thinking, you can be off the hook if you promise to update before we get back to school.
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