Reviews for Unbreakable
Skyrere chapter 1 . 10/6/2016
fantastic... XD
I absolutely love this back story of the
BiblioMatsuri chapter 1 . 5/2/2013
"Sweet talking". That's pretty much the only way a story like that ends with the kid getting out alive and in one piece.

Shoes: Which makes perfect sense. No money equals no shoes. No mother wants her kids' feet getting cut up and dirty.

...Blond, blue sandals. Could be the Fourth, almost any Yamanaka, or, well... ?
cheese lovin' bear chapter 1 . 7/13/2010
lol i love this! it is really funny. nice job :D
xxAwesomeLucyxx chapter 1 . 7/6/2010
Ha, this story is better than anything I ever came up with in my sleep! Give yourself a little more credit, my friend.
TillyMe chapter 1 . 2/6/2010
very good!:)
Zankaru Zelladonii chapter 1 . 11/29/2009

First fic that ive read that was anything like this, but I have to say that was epic!

Blood Tainted Sakura Blossom chapter 1 . 7/14/2009
This was a great story. I liked it.
Black Rae of Darkness chapter 1 . 2/8/2009
- Now that is a truly inspiring stories. I shall hope to get some good rest and think all of this through.

I wonder where thought such ideas up, oh yeah. Sleep right? - I hope to head to a dream like that.

I had one the other day that Gaara was fighting someone who controlled water. There was mix of sand and water, then a song started. "Take off your clothes and get wet...your dirty..." No clue after that point. Good song, I sang it for an entire day. *shakes head* Some people and their dreams. *chuckles*

Anyways, now I am off for a shower, some food and perhaps a good nights rest. I got my cat, Naruto here and he says 'purr' blink blink 'pur'. I might even get some ideas jotted down before I hit the pillow, but I want you to know you are distracting me. Completely distracting me. That's alright though. I think I can handle it. I only have like four fan fics and one real story in progress...

Good night.

Ja matte ne...

as if I am talking with you in real life...I might be insane right?
Animeaddict666 chapter 1 . 11/17/2008
That was the best and most true tribute to Sakura as ever she deserved. Thank you for that. And so honest, the young, girlish reactions at first. You really weighted and progressed it well. Wonderful job.
Okuyukashii chapter 1 . 10/21/2008
I really like it. This is a great take on Sakura's character - you have to wonder how she still held on. Great job :)
clockworkchaos chapter 1 . 6/12/2008
Interesting and well written
Larie-chan chapter 1 . 3/21/2008
I loved how you tied in the image of steel into "But Haruno women don’t snap. They bend, they twist, they cry and scream and grieve"; what a wonderful mental picture of steel bending a groaning under strain.
Pharos Hyaline chapter 1 . 12/21/2007
On a positive note, the fic displays excellent writing and was a joy to read.

On a negative note, I don't think it fits very well into the real Sakura. She's supposed to be normal and as... well-balanced as one can be when one is a ninja. Being exposed to sickness during your formative years deprives you of that.

candycoatedkayla chapter 1 . 1/5/2007
With such an original plot, I feel this story deserves 10 reviews although I can only give one. But the joy of reading such a wonderful piece of work from you cannot be put into words. Your truly an amazing writer and I will try to sum up my feelings toward this fic.


The Purple Ghost chapter 1 . 8/17/2006
So touching.

Makes me wonder what the women in my family are like.
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