Reviews for Secrets
wordmaker123 chapter 33 . 4/20/2014
This story was amazing even though the end was extremely sad. even 8 years on from when you finished it people are still enjoying it. thanks
Naflower05 chapter 33 . 10/4/2009
oh my god. this story is so good but was really sad towards the end. i wanted to cry but i wouldnt let myself. your a really amazing author, keep writing! ]
Tamaraw chapter 33 . 10/24/2006
aw... i didn't really want her to die, but it shows a very serious part of Sirius that we almost never get to see. Great job on the story and i can't wait to read anything wlse you come up with...
madpoet08 chapter 33 . 9/21/2006
hey- I just have to say that this was an AWESOME story. I kinda forgot about it for a while, but here I stumbled across it again. I really have loved and enjoyed it- I think you did a wonderful job. It was an interesting twist on the marauder era and I'm sad that it's done. anyways, GREAT job, keep writing! :p
Sirius-CaptainJackSparrow chapter 31 . 7/4/2006
I enjoyed it, I suppose. lol.

I haven't read it in a while and I sort of forgot some stuff, but it was pretty good!
LemonLime.x chapter 31 . 6/15/2006
Did he kill her?
dead-girls chapter 31 . 6/15/2006
Nice. But isn't this getting a little TOO centered around Korimi/Sirius?
some1 chapter 1 . 6/14/2006
ok, is it sirius or remus that falls in love with the mystery girl? i know i'm a first time reviewer but i'm faithful!
Lily of the Shadow chapter 31 . 6/14/2006

I may now resume my uselessness... *hums while doodling circles on the ground-this time, they actually resemble circles* I been practicing!
Shadowhardt and Adrenalin chapter 30 . 6/11/2006
I love this story and can't wait to see how it ends!
PyrateGirl chapter 5 . 4/24/2006
dead-girls chapter 30 . 4/23/2006
But... But what about the explanation? How did that go? Ah, never mind, Interesting chapter with the Russia part. Good writing, update soon!
LillyPotter chapter 30 . 4/23/2006
Amazing as usual...UPDATE SOON!
Hilaryjojo chapter 30 . 4/23/2006
Shouldn't you have told us about how the others reacted after hearing her secret? Anyway, it was a pretty good chapter. Update soon.
TheTrioLivesOn chapter 30 . 4/22/2006
Yes! I am totally listening to "Light My Candle" right now! Wait, though, what about her being half tattoed (sp?)? and the wings? I'm glad you have finnaly updated! Good luck with your AP tests. I know I won't be looking foward to mine when the time comes! Anyways, good chapter, but it is kind of anti-climatic... but as long as something happens soon...
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