Reviews for Seasons
dd chapter 3 . 7/27/2005
wow... I'm honestly speechless by your talented writing. There are very few authors out there that have a way with words like you. If you don't mind update soon!
Edwina Exilus chapter 1 . 6/4/2005
I gather that you as a writer either know the japenese language and culture or you just do some heavy research. I was estatic that I found an author who could perfect Sesshomaru's personality in a Fanfiction. I have found your intro to be quite good. I haven't read ahead of this chapter but so far you have caought this readers attention. I hope your plot is going to be as good as the prologue.I have no concerns or questions but if you do just email me.
Kjinuyasha chapter 3 . 5/25/2005
Kurtz chapter 3 . 5/23/2005
I am still impressed with the depth of this story as I am sure it will only get better. This is truly a rareity to fanfiction. Thank you.
AshenRain chapter 3 . 5/22/2005
Wow this is a really good story. Very mature for fanfiction! Not that mature stories dont exist it's just nice to read another. This is a really deep plot and I can't wait to see where everything is going! Very detailed too, which I like! I hate it when writers rush into things! Nicely done. I'm so glad I read this! Update soon!
left this website for good chapter 1 . 5/20/2005
wow! plz tell me u didnt make all of this up yourself, cause if u did i would nvr rite a fanfic as good as this
Chaos-and-Serenity chapter 3 . 5/20/2005
Great chapter. Very detailed and thorough, but I have come to expect no less from you. The go scene was briliant. I must say you have a very firm grasp on ancient Japanese politics, which that scene firmly implies. I very much enjoyed the conversation between Miroku and the Emperor. The metaphor of the sakura was brutally beautiful. I am very curious to see what is going to happen with Kagome. The ending of the chapter displayed her father's distress over her position as High Priestess of Isle. Very curious. I cannot wait to read how this plot is going to unfold. So much possibility!

I am delighted you finally updated and please continue soon with this fabulous piece. I'll be waiting. And thanks for the tribute, I appreciate it!

Ja ne!
Kurtz chapter 2 . 4/30/2005
Brilliant, simply brilliant. I saw that you were recommended by another wonderful author, so I had to see for myself. And she was undoubtedly correct. You're attention to detail is thorough and quite welcome. The story is truly original and ultimately absorbing. I cannot wait to read how Sesshoumaru deals with the problems now facong him and I'm sure the intrigue will only grow from here. Please continue so that my thrist for great literature (within the realm of fanfiction that is) is quenched.
Chaos-and-Serenity chapter 2 . 4/18/2005
Simply amazing... I love how you mixed his memories of him chosing her as his mate with the reality of the present at the end of the chapter. Absolutely brilliant. Your descriptions are so beautiful and encompassing. I am drawn into this web of tradition, mystery, and intrigue. I can tell this will get deeper as the story progresses, further enthralling the reader.

I impatiently await your next chapter.
Sesshomaru'sElement chapter 2 . 4/2/2005
This is! Wow! I don't know how to explain it! Interesting and binding! It just engulfed me. Please when you write more email me. This is such a good story, keep up with it. Keep the creativity in your heart, mind and soul when you continue. Like I said please email me when you update. Thanks.
Leunra chapter 2 . 4/2/2005
As for the OOC...I don't think you have any problems with that.

I look forward to the next chapter.

Still some confusion but if I keep reading along I'm sure it'll hit me soon.
xXkuraiokamiXx chapter 1 . 3/26/2005
i like it please update!
Native Wolf Cub chapter 1 . 3/12/2005
Iy's not bad nor ugly. I think it's pretty good. I like it. But i hope you put more info into the ssecond chapter. Update soon. Ciao.
TheWildWind chapter 1 . 3/12/2005
not bad
Mizu chapter 1 . 3/12/2005
I like this is really you write got to go ok bye.

Mizu _
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