Reviews for Goodbye
TheShadow666 chapter 1 . 8/21/2011
Oh that last part was sad but the story was really good! I felt so bad for Rushton there, but of course Elspeth lived, but it still broke my heart
Dozey212 chapter 1 . 6/7/2009
Whoa, this is really good...

You should write one about when she comes back

Or one about when she tells him she loves him

its great
ChocolateMilk2 chapter 1 . 1/24/2009
Don't get me wrong, I like this. It's well written. Flowy. Rounded. It just isn't what I picture when I think of Rushton and Elspeth.

Here, they feel corny. Well not corny exactly, but a little over the top on the angst, melodramatic, bordering cliche. Too perfect. "He knew from that moment that [he saw her]something big would happen at Obernewtyn with her there," for one, or "She had chosen to play hero and came after him. But he had almost lost her." And that's probably why I like the third paragraph the best; it brings their relationship down to earth, a bit. Makes it seem more realistic.

Ahh, what /am/ I talking about? Even confusing myself. *Giggle.*

"But then why should there? In her mind he had never been anything more than the Master of Obernewtyn." Loved that line, and the line/s after. (On a random note, it's funny that you should get reviews commenting on the first two words words of each paragraph, because I kind of like the effect at the end, like how you kind of didn't really directly say she was going to die. Well, you did, but you know. Or do you? o.0)

You know, it's fic like this - however few there are - that reminds me why I ship this pairing.
XMisfitLeaderX chapter 1 . 1/1/2009
I Really think you should write a pecie about his feelings when she comes back.

You area good writer. And do Ruston justice with how you potrayed him.

Well done!
Neonlights chapter 1 . 7/3/2007
DragonRider-Xankira chapter 1 . 5/30/2007
*sniff sniff* I'm really trying not to cry over this (and trust me, I don't do that a lot). T'was beautiful, I loved it. It mirrored my exact thoughts of what I thought Rushie'd react. Beautiful!
Froody chapter 1 . 10/16/2006
Oh, that was gorgeous...

I'm just rereading the Farseekers, and this was just an amazingly accurate story that absolutely played to my emotions. Well done. Wow, I wish people would write more fluffy stories... or any stories in this fandom. Isobelle Carmody is amazing.


Fishy-Bubbles chapter 1 . 8/13/2006
This is a really good story! It's so sweet! I really liked it - you recounted everything really well, and it's really very well written.

Good imaginative ending too.
Equestrian-Lily chapter 1 . 8/13/2006
That was so sweet! I loved. Congrats on such a moving piece of work! Your a fantastic author
Kenzie493 chapter 1 . 8/4/2006
Poor Rushton! I loved when he finally saw Elspeth again in the book and said "Ah, Elspeth, love"!

This was really good! Rushton was so hurt by Elspeth's death that he really was like the madman that Elspeth had described him as to the druid, but your story was calmer than I expected. I liked that it wasn't him crying or something but just remembering.
Katiefoolery chapter 1 . 7/17/2006
This was a very nice insight into the mind of The Brooding One. The last two lines in particular were very evocative and I think they ended the piece well.

Just two notes:

1. "hers’" - doesn't need an apostrophe there.

2. Isobelle spells her name with an "o". :)
gg chapter 1 . 6/22/2006
Wow...i love elspeth and rushton!

post soon!
Berlin chapter 1 . 6/22/2006
What glorious angst you have created in my poor Rushton!

It's so great to find such a beautiful and haunting story with Rushton and Elspeth (because I just cannot bring myself to read D/E *shudders*) and I look forward to rereading this time and time again.

*rushes off to dig out 'The Farseekers'*
Madame-S-Butterfly chapter 1 . 5/27/2006
Aww that was so sweet. If only Rushton knew that she had thought of him!

GReat job!

ElspethElf chapter 1 . 2/14/2006
Just heartwrenching! Beautifully written :)
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