Reviews for Memories of the Lost
Tei Areum chapter 14 . 6/25/2016
Please, please, please update! TTTT
katsune14 chapter 14 . 9/14/2014
Please please please update :)
rowena.arlene chapter 14 . 6/30/2013
hello. where can i read the ending ofthis story? thank you. great story by the way :)
Anna Jaganshi chapter 14 . 5/30/2013

What kind of place is that to stop for too many years?! I know I'm late to the party and what-not, but... Grah!

For the love of all that is love and cheesy things, please tell me you will come back for this story, if nothing else. It's been such an enticing roller coaster of "Geez these guys need to kiss and make up already" that I am reading at work again... Instead of working.

That being said (read: whined), my actual comments on the story not including its sudden cliff-hangery end:

I love all the different actions, reactions, and personalities of the many Kurama's. Each is unique to his memories, and I really like their different ways of handling their love for Hiei... Especially child-Kurama. :) It was just so innocently sweet! And while Youko's reaction and actions were anything but great in their results, it was heart wrenching to read. I couldn't begin to imagine what it must feel like to have it happen...

But that's what Ben & Jerry are for, eh?

And Syunsuke... What a villain. He's sneaky and deceptive and cruel; the perfect bad guy? Hm. Either way... I find no trouble in hating his guts. 8D But a lot of the turmoil that followed his schemes is also due to Hiei and Kurama's own actions...

Stupid mission in the first place! Fah!

If my continued babbling wasn't hint enough... I am so desperately desperate to see the conclusion of this story. I hope you feel the same inclination to do so. :)

Best wishes, and many thanks for writing and sharing such a wonderfully spun tale!
NyteKit chapter 1 . 2/2/2011
I miss this story. *pout*

(Had to log out to send this because they wouldn't let me review twice.)
Narshia chapter 14 . 9/20/2010
I love your story. I actually read Like Father first and saw in the author's note that it was a companion piece for Memories of the Lost. I like how in-depth you get with the characters and whats going on in their head.

Oh yeah that preview is a bit of spoiler that sort of took out excitement on whether they win against Syunsuke or if he runs again to torment them again.

I'm still looking forward to reading how they get Kurama back into one piece again. I'm also not really looking forward to it since Like Father makes it sound like Hiei is no longer around. Well anyway keep up the good work. I've also just finished reading Embrace the Winter Snow. You're a very talented writer.
1808565 chapter 14 . 5/26/2010
This is a fantastic story! I'm feverishly waiting for an update, but I know it's not always possible for writers to finish a story... Either way, I'd reallly like to see what happens next chapter!
mYtORnsaNDaLs chapter 14 . 4/3/2009
ugh! so depressing... why didn't you continue? couldn't stand the depression as well? lol... kidding side! lost of memories is one... rejection is fatal and now rape? My...kurama's a little beaten here isn't he, mercy please? (i hope you're not planning to kill shiori any time soon)and honestly speaking even if they've rescue him and if in any way in truth that he's not totally broken yet... the hell... a rape victim is a victim even if his a whore the physical and mental assault is unbearable... it may heal, it may fade but trust me when i say that it will NEVER DISAPPEAR... in short even after if they indeed rescued kurama, he could never be save... things will never be the same again... really...he's better off dead or they could prepare themselves for the return of the ruthless, merciless thief that well i doubt even a thousand shiori would able to heal...

as the saying goes "used goods depreciates in value... and a damage good even if repaired was still damage"

but well were talking of kurama here and he's strong...( i hope he's strong enough here because the fact that kurama lost almost everything his past, present and future over some pointless mission of retrieving a damn useless amulet? i think they should hung koenma first before that syunsuke)

i really have a feeling that this one won't be having a happy ending...if in anyway you do plan to end it... thanks for the preview... i really do hope that you update soon...

oh... i forgot to mention... you're writing style is really fascinating! the properly and selected use of words... the figure of speech and the details as you describe the scene is just so amazing! i enjoy this really... the youko being an "emo" and really sometimes one are not able to see the things when their too near in your eyes ne? and hiei having three... no wonder... lol and our little firey demon stupidity levels can surpass that of kuwabara and yusuke at times... hiei will be needing a psychiatrist more than kurama asfter this rescue mission i presume...

jya ne!
athenaswings chapter 14 . 12/6/2008
please please please update this!
kagome102694 chapter 13 . 5/11/2008
Very good
kagome102694 chapter 14 . 2/2/2008
Very good story please update soon.
kikioo chapter 14 . 1/20/2008
ooh this is really good you just have a way with words and I can actually picture the characters saying things like that unlike some of the stories Ive read hope you can update soon but no pressure love your other stories too!
DeeJayers chapter 14 . 7/27/2007

*calms down* Okay, I was too caught up to stop and review for any of ther other capters so don't get pissed. It's a good thing. I like it, a lot, so update soon please!


Great job! Ja ne!
jane chapter 14 . 6/25/2007
that is so not nice of you for leaving us hanging like this,you know?this fic is gonna be my most favourite fic!i should make a collection of your fics,you know that?

you really love to make kurama suffer,don't you?this fic is truly the most heartwrenching fic,as i read so far.i really feel sorry for 10 years old kurama was so cute!

i don't care how many years or decades it's gonna take but you better finish this well as the other fics!you really get me hooked into your fics...
ShinigamixGirl chapter 14 . 5/24/2007
ARGH! I wanna read what happened next... _ I hope you update soon. :D
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