Reviews for Why Don't You Like the Flowers?
Demonic Irken chapter 1 . 6/22/2016
QYFGF chapter 1 . 5/19/2012
This.. this story... Idk how to describe it. It's really good.
unironic chapter 1 . 3/21/2011
One of the few amazing stankyles :D
Saiyuri-Chan chapter 1 . 12/5/2008
Uh I'm crying again dammit! That was soo sad! But the ending was so sweet.
FantasyCafe chapter 1 . 11/18/2008
This is and always will be my favourite story you have ever written the emotion and love between the two is simply overpowering. Since I already read it but didn't have an account so I couldn't do anything I admit your stories are my favourite. :D
Nixie chapter 1 . 7/23/2008
Aw...that was so sad. At least Stan's happy now, but that doesn't change the fact that he's still alone and Kyle-less.
TheXYZ chapter 1 . 4/14/2008
Soo effing sad. But so beautiful!

Have you noticed that Kyle always has the worst life ever in fanfics? Either he dies, or his family dies, or his lover dies. Seriously! :(

Amazing writing, as ususal. Very emotional. Poor Stanny.
Shelby chapter 1 . 1/25/2007
Aw, I'm teary-eyed. This was too cute, too sad D
Indiana Beach Bum chapter 1 . 1/20/2007
Ha, okay I clicked the little purple box :P

Aw! Death is ALWAYS depressing, now matter how sweet you make it. And this really was sweet. I could sense what was coming before I even saw it was coming, really. Maybe Kyle was warning me? Hm...well at any rate, this WAS beautifully written. Not asking you to plug your own work, dear, but thanks for telling me about this one. I've always felt like you're the queen of one-shots, writing them to perfection from start to finish. This one is no different.

The flowers is symbolic-I LOVE SYMBOLISM. And I like how the focus is COMPLETELY on Stan and Kyle, none of this our-families-don't-accept-us bullshit that often plagues every story, mine included. Heh. And, for the record, Stan's bouquet sounds lovely.

The death is vague, and I'm curious as to how many anniversaries Stan has been coming to his grave site. It seems like this is a reoccuring situation, so I'm thinking Stan himself is middle-aged, yes? Aw, he needs to get on with his life! Any selfless lover wants that for their love. Guess Stan just needed to see that for himself.
Lilchicky004 chapter 1 . 6/20/2006
Aww, why did Kyle have to die? This was hauntingly beautiful and it had such a sentimental, heavenly ending.

BroflovskiFan chapter 1 . 4/19/2006
aw this is so sad and beautiful!
Lil-Diego chapter 1 . 3/5/2006

A thousand aw's lol. Very good work, keep it up

Coffeey chapter 1 . 2/10/2006
Aww That Was Sop Sad But Very Well Written..I Love It!:)
Kylefan1990 chapter 1 . 1/6/2006
I thought this was very beutiful. I am trying to hold back the tears because i am at school and i do not like crying in public. I love this kind of stuff. depressing. i like to read a story that makes me stare blankly into space for a while. Thanks so much for writing it.
cool shiz chapter 1 . 4/19/2005
The way you wrote this fic brought tears to my eyes. It was absolutely beautiful. The ending was what really struck my heart; Stan finally understood why Kyle never smiled. You have such a way with words. Beautiful, just beautiful.
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