Reviews for Mismatching Colors
Sea-Tiger170 chapter 1 . 8/19/2005
None of the characters were too in this one. Personally, I think you should do a sequal to this one, if only to find out how the others reacted. Did they laugh? Did they scorn him? Did Zelos get slapped (this one I somehow doubt, though you've made me wish for it)? Anyways, I really liked this chapter, so it's on to the next ones!
StormTorrent chapter 3 . 8/16/2005

That's the first thought that comes to mind I suppose! This is an amazingly wonderful Songfic. It has just enough to keep both Lloyd and Colette in character and still make it romantic without overdramatizing things like I tend to do with my writing. You made it flow easily, using the lyrics of the song, between silly and serious. I liked the part about the chocolates-throwing Zelos in there was a nice touch too.

Great excecution with the confession, Colette's reaction was perfect as well. I'm absolutely flabberghasting at how wonderful this is. I tend to-for whoever reveiws my fics-thumb through theirs as a thank you. But I'm just totally taken by surprise! You're a wonderful writer, and should keep to it. I'm a huge Kratos should write some Kratos stuff! I know you've talked me into writing more Zelos stuff, and maybe I'll attempt a little Colloyd fluff...*hehe*

So, in finality, thank you, and wow.

DemonFox38 chapter 4 . 7/2/2005
Wow. Just wow. When I first read through this chapter, it made me a little nauseous. Then, it stuck with me all night, and I had to come back and re-read it. Your effect of choice really shines through here. I might have to give up red meat for a week.

I still feel sad and ill, but that's okay! It puts gravity to Regal's emotions, and you got your message across crystal-clear. What an awesome chapter!
RWT chapter 1 . 5/15/2005
This chapter's good but.., Grabs Zelos by the collar Gray and pink don't match? That must be the dumbest thing that I've ever heard you say! Proceeds to be beat up Zelos
Sky's Penname chapter 3 . 4/14/2005
cute! I liked it! The ending was a bit sappy... I'm not good with those either! It was still cute though! Maybe just because there is always the pause and then "I love you" thing out in the blue.

Sorta like your walking to an inn then all the sudden you yell "I LOVE YOU!" As loud as possible! That would be funny! oops... SPACED OUT! GOOD JOB! I SHALL MAKE SURE TO READ MORE OF YOUR STUFF! IT ROCKS! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA! That laugh was brought to you by... Skyrocks tm... SEE YA
Sky's Penname chapter 2 . 4/14/2005
Sheena would never be that attached to Zelos unless they got like married and had been going out for like A MAMMILLION YEARS! Zelos still rocks... I wanna get hair JUST like his! I got the red hair but my mom wont let me grow it out! MY LIFE IS RUINED! Oh well, great story! READ ON I SHALL!
Sky's Penname chapter 1 . 4/13/2005
Okay well I said I would read them later, but I lied! I love your stories! Sonic is still my favorite hero, but Tales of Symphonia is second! I love it so much! Zelos is my favorite charachter, you made him look like a jerk... but... He is one... GOOD JOB! I shall read more later!
GirlWaterShaman chapter 3 . 3/23/2005
chap1:zelos is an idiot

chap2:poor sheena...::huggles sheena::

chap3:aw, kawaii! :)

do kratos and anna next! like, when they find out anna's preggyanant(pregnant) with lloyd...
VampireHunterSephiroth200 chapter 1 . 3/21/2005
Your story makes me want to bash Zelos even more than I already do, in my own fics. I like Sheelos pairings, but I also like bashing Zelos! BASH ZELOS! I like the other pairings more than Sheelos.
AbhorsenSabriel87 chapter 3 . 3/14/2005
You're right; that /was/ a sappy ending.

Hiei: *ish off somewhere*

Sabriel: *looks around* Where's Hiei-kun?... O.o *Zelos runs by, being chased by Lloyd and Genis*

Zelos: *hids in Sab's room until they pass, sighs, then smiles at Sabriel* Hey there cutie.

Sabriel: Oh I /know/ you didn't go there.

Zelos: Aw, wassa matter? You shy?

Sabriel: No, but if Hiei doesn't kill you for hitting on me, you can bet my ultra cool right mecha boot will be shoved so far up your- *Lloyd and Genis burst in with Hiei* The calvary's here!

Hiei, Lloyd, Genis: *tackle Zelos and proceed to beat him up*

Sabriel: *smiles* Write another one. I'll be waiting.
Dragonmaster-Sain chapter 3 . 2/28/2005
JupiterK chapter 3 . 2/28/2005
Aw...that was so cute!
Katrina-chan chapter 3 . 2/25/2005
Me:Very cute story! I liked it alot. Colette and Lloyd are another one of my favorite couples!

Genis:*muttering* Pink and gray match just fine...

Me:You're still mad about that?

Genis:Of course I am! Zelos just crushed all my hopes of ever being with Presea!

Me:It's not like he really told pink and gray don't match..

Genis: I know...but...

Me: Oh stop it already! Just be happy Lighting-dono, didn't pair you up with Mithos!

Genis:WHAT? You mean people pair me with...Mithos? But I like Presea...You're kidding!

Me:Whatever, besides we're not supposed to be talking about the Gesea chapter, we're talking about the Colloyd chapter!


Me: Anyway, this chapter was very well done! I can't wait till you continue this story.

ObviousMan chapter 3 . 2/25/2005
¿OM?: *drops Zelos' lifeless corpse* YAY! Happy Fic!

Nailo: Aww... this is so cute! I love it! The song was a wonderful touch. And Colette seemed perfectly in character, as did Lloyd. The ending was a little sappy, but otherwise a beautiful work. 4/5.

ߣ£§¥: No grammar complaints. The plot flows smoothly, and you managed to keep song separate from quotes separate from words. Written spectacularly well. 5/5.

¿OM?: That and, in terms of emotion and all, it was a very good job. The lack of Zelos also was pleasing, after the last two. All in all, a good work. 5/5.

(To understand the rating system better, first read through my profile; you'll understand better who each reviewer is and what they're rating.)

ObviousMan chapter 2 . 2/25/2005
¿OM?: Alright THATS IT. I am going to draw and quarter him! That BASTARD has ruined everyone!

ߣ£§¥: ...not again... *dives for cover*

-The following scenes have been censored due to use of ancient torture/execution methods-


ߣ£§¥: While my alter ego amuses himself with the gory execution of Zelos, I shall endeavor to review the tale. All in all, it was well written. The plot flowed smoothly and everyone seemed in character, to a degree. My only complaint was that, yes, it was slightly unemotional, but how emotional can such scenes be made?

Turen: This is good. I hope the next tale lives up to its example. What's left that Zelos can ruin? Colloyd? Kraine? I must warn you, if you don't stop scapegoating Zelos there will be none of him left to use.

¿OM?: *in distance* BEWHAHAHAHA...

Turen: o.o; This is not good.

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