Reviews for An Impossible Struggle
Chris68 chapter 16 . 5/26
J'ai ADORÉ dommage que se soit pas fini
Anonymous chapter 1 . 12/7/2019
Writing about delicate matters can certainly rub someone the wrong way. I’ve seen many fanfics where they talked about such things and they have always made me upset that the author of the fanfic would include those topics. However, as the reader it is my choice weather to read the fanfic or not. I’m not mad at you for including this, I just don’t think it’s a wise idea. So many people can get triggered by it especially if they have gone through it or are going through it.

This is just my opinion.
Guest chapter 16 . 6/25/2017
This was a great story and I am sad to see it abandoned.
UnlovablePhangirl chapter 4 . 5/7/2017
Great story so far! I love the way you portrayed Remus and Severus
Love Of Blood chapter 16 . 8/20/2015
please update soon
Random Fan chapter 16 . 4/14/2015
Random Fan:Nooooooooooo *cries silently in a corner* you can't do this to us! Not on a cliff hanger! Please write again! Remus! Tell the author to keep writing! The story was just getting good! This story is amazing. I mean, really, honestly, and truthfully it would be such a waste for this story to be forgotten on the shelf. You just can't forget it!
Snape: for Merlin's sake, muggle! Shut up!
Lupin: Severus, don't be mean. She just wants to known the end of the story.
Random Fan: why!why!?
Snape: She is exaggerating the situation.
Lupin: *shrugs*
Random Fan: please!just one more chapter! Please!
Snape: Enough! Do want to know the ending!? We live happily ever after! The end.
Random Fan: no! He ruined the story!
Snape: With your constant whining the author is surely to forget us.
Random Fan: *gasps*
TheDaemonLady chapter 16 . 9/22/2014
id be happy to help :)
SilverSnape31 chapter 16 . 9/18/2014
update please! Love your story!
S.K.Y cyrus chapter 16 . 1/31/2014
Very interesting and quite realistic. Would love to see the continuation. The development between Remus and Severus's relationship is captivating to read.
SadisticCarrotcake chapter 1 . 8/18/2013
oh my gosh i absolutely love this story,you don't usually get fanfics as serious and realistic as this one and i seriously hope that you will eventually finish it :)
SanctuaryObsessed chapter 8 . 6/8/2013
Who would not find Remus attractive? This is a great story, I can't wait to read the rest :)
Hobo chapter 2 . 5/14/2013
Interesting premise, I'm excited to see how the story goes. But please, can you fix the character misspellings; it's Dumbledore and Minerva. You have them wrong in the first and second chapters. :)
Abandoned Account - Onyx Claws chapter 16 . 8/12/2012
I am completely in love with this story, and all the times you've stated that you wish no one to be offended by your interpretations of certain issues, I assure you, I don't think anyone could be offended.
If the offer still stands I would happily volunteer to collaborate with you on this story.
I don't know if it's the case, but you make it sound in your author's notes that you yourself don't suffer from an eating disorder. I have anorexia and if you wished to collaborate with me then I would be happy to answer any questions/inquiries/etc you may have about the thoughts/behavoiur/etc of someone with the illness. You've also mentioned that most negative feedback is about your grammar so I would also volunteer myself as Beta, if you want one.
Many thanks for writing such a brilliant fic, keep up the good work and I eagerly look forward to the completion of this story.
dem bones chapter 16 . 6/10/2012
That's a pity that this story is gathering dust. I just finished reading it today.

Snape's problems sound so realistic and all. I mean it really sounds like someone who has anorexia. It sounds plausible certainly that one would have those kind of problems but I could never imagine looking at myself and thinking like that and all so actually getting in the mindset of someone who had anorexia was very awe-inspiring.

Overall the story is quite inspiring. Love how Remus cares for Snape as well.

This by far seems to be a story that has been put through a lot of time and effort. In all honesty it would be the only story I would work on until it's complete.

Despite all complications, I hope this story continues soon.
excessivelyperky chapter 16 . 1/11/2012
Please continue this story-you can see from your reviews that other anorexics in the real world are reading this story and find value in it.

Me, I'm just in it for the Snape-angst (looks at scale, nope, still no danger there...).

But this is a good story and I wish you would start it back up again.
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