Reviews for Lost Perspective 5: READ MY MIND
Guest chapter 9 . 1/7
Quite like the ending. They both still have a lot of living and growing to do.
Guest chapter 5 . 9/26/2018
LOL, I'm waiting for rumors of some sort of Snape/Draco romance, what with the heroic rescue, snuggling during a storm, etc.
muumi2three chapter 1 . 2/28/2012
There are a lot of things I loved about this story - the imaginative take on cross-cultural wizardry for one and the character development of Hermione for another. But ironically, it's the first HG/SS fic to actually evoke the teacher/student squick factor for me. With a family history of successful age-mismatched romances (my grandmother actually fell in love with her high school French teacher at age 15, married him at 16; I met my own husband when I was 16 and he was a graduate student almost 30 years old and I was still in my teens when we married; just two examples) I don't usually get too bothered... but Hermione becoming her classmate's stepmother... I can't handle that. Funny.
lucyferr chapter 9 . 8/16/2009
She needed the freedom to explore, to experiment and experience the world, unfettered. She was too young to be shackled by commitment.

pity not enough other fics appreciate this point
lucyferr chapter 6 . 8/16/2009
First time I ever read a realistic take of magical-muggle relations in Africa. (And yes, I am African.)
DocMartin chapter 5 . 11/2/2008
Nice yin wae the Sco'ish. Gonny huv tae keep readin' the noo.

Honestly, I love this story. It's so well written, so in character.
Dramagirl007 chapter 5 . 9/5/2008
Good chapter
Dramagirl007 chapter 4 . 9/5/2008
I'm glad Snape and Harry still visit one another
Heather chapter 9 . 6/18/2008
Ah, I was hoping for a kiss, but it's still very good. :-D Maybe they will meet 10 years from now...
Heather chapter 7 . 6/18/2008
I really like this story. Hermione's job is fascinating, and fits her perfectly. The best possible combination of all her interests...muggle and wizard cooperation, ancient cultures, scientific wizardly stuff. I like the adult character you've created for her. I really like Harry's character too. It's nice to see him relaxed and enjoying life. I can see him working with dragons too, after having gone through the second task. I like the way you've kept the relationship with Harry and Snape too...not outwardly affectionate, but just relaxed and comfortable. Though the end of this chapter was so awkward for everyone! Poor Harry doesn't know what happens when you assume...
troesnaja chapter 5 . 4/8/2008
About Azkaban fics, I told you my main ship is ss/hg, but i also briefly looked into hg/lm, all of it was too soppy of courseor too pwp, there was one fic however (not fluffy) Where Hermione has to visit Lucius in azkaban to try to analyze him because she is becoming an auror, the fic is quite old though, probbably post-ootp... It reminded me of silence of the lambs (my all-time favourite movie).. I have also briefly loked into voldemort/riddle fics but thats all very heavy dark stuff...
troesnaja chapter 4 . 4/8/2008
Hello, something i forgot to say in last chapter, If severus leaves hogwarts he leaves its protection as well and he will be more vulnerable against death eaters attacks... What a drama... I think he was a bit hasty with his resignation but i do understand.. Aww poor Remus i think he has a secret small thing for Hermione... I wonder if he kept teaching dada in their sevent year. Ahah so after sisxt year the trio was broken up, poor Hermione probbably all alone once more... I hope everything will turn out right with the trio in the end. Aww a jealous Snapey...
troesnaja chapter 3 . 4/8/2008
Hello, I like this fic, it has deep characters, normally though i like stories that are a bit more 'plot heavy' no smut (pwp) though, but a bit more action...
troesnaja chapter 1 . 4/8/2008
It has been two years since hermione saw snape. Does this mean he did not return to teaching after the break down in sixth year? I wonder if voldemort has been defeated yet... Hah she is deluding herself, he doesnt know she had any feelings for him, she only confessed to harry after all... I wonder if it is such a good idea to have this discussion in a bookshop though... I wonder what snape did after he left teaching then and how they found a substitute teacher so quickly.. AW poor Snapey... Thinks Hermione left him because he was weak...
cckeimig chapter 9 . 7/8/2007
This was really good, too, but I don't want her to leave. Don't know how 'realistic' that want is, though...
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