Reviews for Finding Me
Guest chapter 53 . 10/4/2017
Kessler1 chapter 1 . 8/3/2012
Essa estória é fantástica! Perfeita, na minha visão. Exaamente como eu vejo Gil Grissom e Sara Sidle em uma relação. Emocionamente, encantadora. Você tem uma escrita invejável garota! Criatividade reina no seu pensameneto. Eu amei isto. Aliás, amo. Sensacional. Minha favorita GSR com certeza.
claudia40gsr chapter 100 . 1/11/2012
Estou realmente encantada com esta história! Ela é linda! Somente agora eu conheci. Foi uma amiga que me indicou a leitura. Estou surpresa porque esta história foi escrita há muito tempo, quando ninguém sabia o que realmente aconteceria com o romance de Gil e Sara em CSI. Você conseguiu escrever uma fic tão emocionante, envolvente, divertida e romântica. Certamente estará na lista de minhas favoritas. Parabéns! Você poderia escrever sempre...

Beijos pra você do Brasil.
My Kate chapter 100 . 3/27/2011
Somehow uncovered this gem recently...may have started reading a while back, but somehow lost my link early on..waited for a long weekend so that I could read uninterrupted...bravo...this was a wonderfully compelling work, and I enjoyed every twist and turn along the wrote these characters beautifully...I only wish there was a sequel to continue their journey...take a bow once again...this one is a real jewel...thanks so much for writing a time when GSR fics are not being written that often, for a diehard fan like myself it was like finding a little bit of heaven...thanks for posting this story...
gsrbritfan chapter 100 . 8/11/2010
This really is a wonderful story, thanks for writing this & sharing it with us. I love your writing style btw :)
Brittany chapter 60 . 11/10/2009
really good story
toothchick chapter 70 . 10/3/2009
This fic has been completed for more than 4 YEARS. I usually am very good about reviewing every chapter that I read, but I have been so caught up in this story that I (selfishly) just wanted to keep reading.

Your ending notes on this chapter INSISTED that I respond...Screw anyone that is bitching...this is YOUR story! You are not FORCING anyone to read it! This is a fantastic story & you are doing a great job! So what if someone thinks it is OOC! This is YOUR fanFICTION! I have so much admiration for those who are able to write such captivating & entertaining stories!
Nonnie88 chapter 100 . 9/20/2009

I well and truly loved it!

Absolutely amazing writing... has taken me all weekend to read! but Im so glad that I did!

Added you to favs!

Thanks for writing...

Honor x
DR.TEMP BONES BRENNAN chapter 1 . 1/28/2008
great story
Manateia chapter 100 . 12/29/2007
I just discover your story and read it in 3 weeks. And now it's the end I just want to tell you WOW.

This is amazing, I really like your story and I'd like (if you're agree) to translate it in french that more people can read it.

Once again thanks for your story and keep writing yo are really good.
NickyStokes chapter 19 . 11/11/2007
Just found your fanfic 'Finding Me' it's awesome, the writing is great although, I am reading faster to get to the part (I hope) where Grissom overcomes his shyness. I love your writing and don't worry about grammer, people will read right through it...
jenstog chapter 100 . 10/31/2007
Just stumbled apon this I think yesterday- and have forgone all housework to read it all. It is a most amazing story and I'm sad that it's over! Yes- people are still reading it over two years later! I typically frown upon stories that don't stick to character and even though you had a few of those moments- it still felt real and I could see all of this storyline potentially happening for the characters! Bravo on a well-thought out and laborous story!
jenstog chapter 4 . 10/30/2007
so good!
chriscarter661 chapter 100 . 8/10/2007
Seriously it's my favorite story.. I really like it. It's the second time i read it, and like the first time, I love it !

Thank you very much for all the time you had to pass on this story.. Great one.

Sorry for my english (french grl with not a really good english...)

Thanks a lot

csi020gsr chapter 100 . 12/25/2006
I realise this was started in Feb. of '05 and it is Dec. 25th. right now. I just finished this monster and I have to put voice to my log!

First of all, this is meant to be concrit.

Next, it is too long. You had said at the beginning it was several stories pieced together. It is much better as several stories.

The angst was so overwhelming, they never seemed to get past it until the very end. (Counseling and AA).

They always seemed to be fighting, the only difference was a different room or car. They said the same things every time.

And I was confused by Sara not wanting to talk about her problem's, but she would still make them so obvious.

I don't even remember reading the first 70 or 80 chapters.

You did get a phenominal number of reviews, however hardly any of them are familliar in '06.

It's still concrit.

How do you get to Carnigie Hall?

Practice, practice, practice.
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