Reviews for The Ultimate Sacrifice
Adi Sagestar chapter 3 . 7/21/2007
I thought Jaqueline was dead. If she's not, why did they tell her mom she was?
Tigoamy chapter 3 . 6/19/2005
Pretty good story. I'm a bit confused though on what chapter 2 has to do with the others. It seemed to be random, but I'm sure there is a point. This is interesting because I thought Jacqueline died. I want you to come out with the other chapters soon so I can understand more! lol Hope to see more...


Chimalmaht chapter 3 . 4/6/2005
Sorry it took me...forever to review this. I haven't been on top of things at fanfic for a long time. Anywhos, Etcies hasn't been bopped yet. I'll tell you why...later. *nods* And I would email you, but it keeps telling me your inbox is full.

Hmm...interesting collection of conversations. I loved their boss though. He entertained me. Ahem. Will another chapter come soon?
Mystitat chapter 3 . 3/31/2005
Ack! Script format! Not good! Don't do that! It's not technically allowed on ff dot net (so you can technically be suspended for it), and it's just not interesting to read! Please, if you're going to get to the DNA splicing story idea before me, at least make it good!
etcies chapter 2 . 3/9/2005
all of a sudden i feel excluded. i am burned. that hurts dearie...that really hurts. but i do like the story. even if i would like to be in it.
etcies chapter 1 . 3/9/2005
that is kind of sad, and very aggressive. i love it! and i don't see why im not one of your "Especially jemimah-luvah and chimalmaht!" that makes me mad!
Attila the Conqueror chapter 2 . 2/22/2005
I AM NOT A TEDDY BEAR! you know how hard it is to have EVERY person in school afraid of me, and still not be classified as a bully? Yep, that's me. I'm not 5'11 either. You know I'm 5'6. Oh well. And I do like my fries with chocolate milkshake! You've had it too, and liked it, remember? LOL. And you got me down so perfect. I would just laugh and not care who sees. Oh...this brings back so many wonderful memories. Miner Burger, for one, when I introduced you to the shake/fry combo. I love it! Well...of course I do! I'm in it!

Oh...and Poe's has an RPG based on the Constitution that I published a while ago. When it gets far enough...and big enough, I'm going to see if I can rewrite it into fic format and publish it here! Though, and I know you'll be mad at this...I'm Bomba. BUT, it's more for scientific reasons than favorism.
Mystitat chapter 2 . 2/21/2005
Ack! Why did you have to write the cats/dna splicing story right after I have the idea for it! *sigh* Maybe I'll write it anyway...

But get back to the cats part, don't dwell on the boring girls going to McDonalds. .

Chimalmaht chapter 2 . 2/21/2005
I is okeyday! That was fun to read. And you made me tall! Hoorah! The only thing wrong with it that I'm going to tell you before anybody else can (hopefully) is that so far, the story doesn't quite qualify as fanfiction. So, you best bring that aspect in before they freeze your account, cause that would suck majorly. But other than that, that was great. It was just like us too. What kinda college do we go to? Do I get to be happy about it? I think so. I hope so. ANYWISE, why'd I type that all in caps? Well, I'll be looking forward to another chapter and I send hugs, kisses, and mucho grande love!
Attila the Conqueror chapter 1 . 2/17/2005
Oh, so this is the fic you were telling me about. I like alot. I'll have to start working on mine soon.
DemiGold chapter 1 . 2/15/2005
A very intriguing beginning, and very well written. Will be looking forward for more.
Fearful Little Thing chapter 1 . 2/14/2005
Say! That's almost exactly what happened to Rome, my very own lab-experimentee from an original fiction. Except she had no parents and ended up dumped in an alley where she regained consciousness... that isn't going to happen here is it?

If it is I shall commend you on your ingenious. And then demand that there be -no- chain-weilding psychotic gothic jesters for her to later meet/fall in love with.
Ekwy chapter 1 . 2/14/2005
Wow. Interesting. My curiosity is peeked, as they say. ) I wonder what will happen, but so far it seems very interesting.
Chimalmaht at school using Ms. Sielert's computer. I'm a naughty TA chapter 1 . 2/14/2005
Oh, how sad. *sniff* The poor rich girl is dead. :( Maybe she's not really, and she'll be all better next chapter and everything will have gone successfully. I'm interested to see who these interesting people they're going to meet up with are. I'll be looking forward to another chapter of this. And i enjoyed beta-ing it. I missed one though. Again. What's wrong with me? Love you Lots! Happy Valentine's Day, by the by.
Lola Pennington chapter 1 . 2/14/2005
It's well-written and interesting (it's hard to say that around here). I hope you'll continue it.