Reviews for The Cat and the Onigiri Story Part I
Guest chapter 4 . 6/25/2017
I loved Kyo's thinking at the end of this chapter. Haha go go Kyo!
SOS chapter 1 . 8/17/2014
I think my main issue with this is the hang up of transportation. No one knows how to make a boat after five years of anarchy? Hell, humans are naturally good enough at physics that they know when something floats. Yeah, I know boats are manufactured by heavy machinery and industry, and that isn't an option at this point anymore. However, I find it very unlikely that transportation would be shelled in favor of weaponry. Historically, wars are fought not with weapons, but with transportation. Especially a navy and blockades.

Maybe I'm not understanding correctly. Maybe it's because I come from a military family, (specifically a navy branch) and this is like shattering the fourth wall for me. But the way it sounds like, is that there is a large body of water dividing the zodiacs and the humans. This is assuming all rational thought was thrown out the window and absolute anarchy took hold before a monarchy was able to establish it's grounds. All in five years? A rise and fall of an era in just five years?

Sorry, I don't mean to harp on this. It just jerked me really hard out of the story and I couldn't suspend my disbelief. I would say that the premise of the story is interesting, and I may be getting hung up on a point that is extremely trivial in the grand scheme of things.

However, that is something that just can't be put away lightly. This is people's livelihoods, an entire military branch, and some people just live their lives on boats. It would be more compelling if you gave ve a reason besides hate. Perhaps there is something in the water that both sides blame the other for. That would give adequate reason to keep them both hating one another, keep everything out of he he water, and explain why everything goes to hell so quickly.

Again, may be harping. But it's something to think about as you continue to write in other stories. That is a very heavy bomb you dropped right at the beginning and it has me flailing around wondering how it was even possible.

Sorry. I do want to see how everything continues though
nunya chapter 24 . 5/3/2013
you do know that nearly every sentence after someone's speaks it's likes kyo mumbled stupidly, kyo asked stupidly and kyo shouted stupidly why dose stupidly always come up
Floofanflur chapter 1 . 2/28/2013
:D great story!
Divinity Light chapter 29 . 2/12/2010
I knew that Tohru was a half blooded zodiac I just knew it! D Great chapter it was amazing
Divinity Light chapter 28 . 2/11/2010
why didn't kyo transform? I have an idea but still. Can't wait to read the next chapter! This chapter was amazing I loved it
Divinity Light chapter 27 . 2/11/2010
loved this chapter it was great! I'm so happy that tohry finally stood up for herself.
Divinity Light chapter 26 . 2/10/2010
loved this chapter it was amazing!
Divinity Light chapter 25 . 2/10/2010
Oh Tohru was bad in this chapter.I loved that kyo got jelous it was so cute!D
Divinity Light chapter 24 . 2/10/2010
Marriadge! I can't wait to see what happens next. D
Divinity Light chapter 23 . 2/10/2010
OMG! Is tohru whi I think she is! I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Anyways awesome chapter I loved it :)
Divinity Light chapter 22 . 2/8/2010
great chapter
Divinity Light chapter 21 . 2/8/2010
awesome chapter I loved it :)
Divinity Light chapter 20 . 2/8/2010
I want to know about that bracelet! Awesome chapter you did a great job on it D
Divinity Light chapter 19 . 2/7/2010
Kyo to the rescue! What is that bracelet about anyways? I must know! anyways great chapter D
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