Reviews for The Fires Within
Lady Oblivious chapter 21 . 7/25/2011
Please update soon! Lady O.
lintyyy chapter 21 . 1/2/2010
T_T Poor Emma.

Very well written. I've enjoyed reading your story immensely. I only wish that you would continue it, but the 2007 update date tell me my hopes are in vain. No matter, they exist nonetheless. :)
lintyyy chapter 5 . 1/2/2010
"In Hereford, Hartford, and Hampshire hurricanes hardly happen"

Yay for My Fair Lady! :D
Riss chapter 21 . 5/26/2008
I, personally, am not a big fan of fanfictions that involve Snape as a teenager and such, but I must admit that I most definitely loved this particular one and really hope you add the next chapter soon.
hermonine chapter 21 . 9/16/2007
Great story. Keep up the good work and update soon!
shariena chapter 21 . 8/29/2007
I think its really good :)

and Id greatly appreciate more chapters :))

oh my that sounded formal :)

well what ever ;)

update soon :)
lupinlovesme chapter 5 . 8/28/2007
I love 'My Fair Lady'! My fav song is the one that starts with "All I want is a room somewhere."

Great story by the way
Savvy0X chapter 21 . 7/15/2007
Omg that was so depressing...How could you have ended it there! I don't even know what to say. This story isn't short of amazing. You really have done remarkable with this, and have come up with a truely unique Harry Potter fanfic. I love this and I am very happy and impressed to know that you have thoroughly researched information before writing this in order to maintain accuracy. I adore this, and I love how emotional this story is and how connected I feel to Emilia. You have done an excellent job, but I have one question. I am an angst junky and a fluff junky. You most definitly have angst, and you write it excellently, but is there going to be fluff? I know it might not really flow well with story considering Snape's personality, but is there going to be at least a little bit? Cuddling? Okay, I'm done asking, well begging, but besides the point this story is amazing and I highly anticipate the next one!
Secret world chapter 1 . 5/26/2007
loved it
Secret world chapter 21 . 4/7/2007
loved the chap it is varry sad tho I gess that is was will seal her fate in the end. maby she an help pevent what snape will do

is this going to be fallowing in the foot steps of J.K. is he going to be a death eater and is she going to die in the end
Secret world chapter 20 . 4/7/2007
so it is his falt that lily, james and every one else ied of lifes were ruened I gess you can say that that was an all time selfishe deed.

looks like he was only thinking of himself what he didn't see was that she will never be totaly happy
Secret world chapter 16 . 4/7/2007
loved the chap it was varry good

so her dad took the spell off of her hand now that he knows what she looks like i gess

well on to the next hap
Secret world chapter 14 . 4/7/2007
loved the story can't wate to here more

let me gess the women it emilia
Secret world chapter 12 . 4/7/2007
loved the chap can't wate to read the next one but it is cerintly 2:29 in the morning and I do rilly need my sleep but I will continu to read tomarrow when i get up

this is a varry good story so far I think that it is cool the way sirius and sevarus have fellings for her but she seems to have eyes for only one of them and the other noe she hate but i have a felling that you arnt going to mack it that way for long are you? also i think that it is asome the way she can manige to remember so well I cant remember my name most of the time let alone something that happned when I was a baby its juat amasing

also i loved all the new carecters and I can't wate to see what you brilent mind comes up with next

what house do you think that you would be in





i would so love to know!
Riley chapter 1 . 3/17/2007
OMG. One of the first stories that I have ever read that is actually Harry Potter-related, and realistic in the terms of Harry Potter. Very well written. My eyes were glued to the pages.
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