Reviews for The Fifth Sense
Vendelareader chapter 39 . 10/14/2015
It was a good story, nice build up of the characters and the character changes you made. It all fit very nicely although there are gaps in it, as in how Jesse has been hanging out with Dominic at the school but somehow he hasn't learned anything about modern slang. He's been around plenty of teenagers so he should have been more familiar with the slang Susie used. What I especially liked was your protayall of Dave and Jake, it was perfect and I loved it every time they were in the story.

There are however a lot of things that I find insulting in your fic. Like how your most preferred insult and curses are about homosexual people and using slurs related to this. Also that you choose to use words such as "retard" which is ableist, when you use it you aren't insulting someone as being weird or dumb, you're insulting disabled people. Which is really low. Also that you made a ton of jokes about people saying "gay things" to each other and having one part go "ewwww". What is wrong with beings homosexual? like seriously I think that maybe you didn't mean anything of it like that, that you didn't think the insults you choose to use through, but wow it kinda hurts when you read a fanfic and characters you care for are all homophobic. I've only read the books when translated to Swedish but the insults the characters used in my books weren't homophobic you know.

You should also consider putting up warnings for rape, non consent, abuse, gore and such so that people who get triggered by such things are warned about it before reading. Especially about Paul because his entire character is gross, what he did was unforgivable no matter what he did to make up for it. He should be chargered for sexual assault.

Also ghosts can't feel anything, nothing at all, they only think they do and when they realise that the feeling of being touched or in pain isn't real it disappeares. This is demonstrated whenever a ghost gets their ass kicked, their injuries heals when they get over the shock of being hit.

Last thing, it's illegal for Jesse to have sex with Suze since the age difference are bigger than 3 years and Suze is a minor.
Ben and Jerry's Icecream Cone chapter 39 . 11/9/2014
Really enjoyed this story; the back to life bit was a bit unexpected and I didn't really understand how he did come back but I am really glad he did.

Thanks for posting!
Ben and Jerry's Icecream Cone chapter 35 . 11/9/2014
I have really enjoyed this story so far, I love Jesse and you've written suze really well. I have a question about the 'lemony stuff'. I don't understand why you write them vauguely, Suze says a lot of 'you knows..' and 'um, down there' so when they're having any kind of physical contact us readers really have to guess what they're doing, even though we know... we kind of don't know. But other than that I really love it!
Ben and Jerry's Icecream Cone chapter 10 . 11/8/2014
I really like this story, it has been a long time since I have read a mediator story and this looks very different. I love Jesse so far and I think you've done well with capturing Slaters personalty. However, I don't like that the we are reminded that she is blind is almost every paragraph. She constantly makes light and jokes of her blindness, but anyone dares mentions it and she is off and being bitchy.
LivingInALostGeneration chapter 38 . 4/3/2014

I loved it. It was brilliant the way you had Suze grow over the course of the story, from absolutely hating her blindness and mediator abilities and everything around her to accepting the blindness and, dare I say it, coming to Love.. Okay, maybe, Like... her step-family and Carmel.

Paul was wonderful in the end... especially with bringing Jesse to life.

I absolutely Loved CeeCee and Adam, you wrote them very well. CeeCee and Suze's friendship was just gorgeous.

All of the characters were written very well, in fact. You are a brilliant writer. The story-line was amazing. And how you wrote it and handled the situations you wrote. And Suze and Jesse's love. Father Dom. Maddy. Paul. Jake, especially Jake... He is an amazing big brother. Everything.

I have so much to say, but really there are not enough words in the English Language to say it. So this will have to do.

Thank you so much for sharing this story.
sacasim chapter 39 . 6/24/2011

Mother Fudging Epic!

Thanks :)
I LV PAUL SLATER XXX chapter 1 . 10/31/2010
You should give PAUL the ability to make her see or something.
kimmi0490 chapter 39 . 10/12/2010
Wow this is such an amazing story! Well done!
hannahsworlds chapter 30 . 7/11/2010
"he said softly, ' . . . You make me forget.'"

That line was amazing. It's beautiful. It's incredible.

It is Jesse.

Thank you.
Lost-in-a-bookxxx chapter 38 . 4/14/2010
Okay, here goes - ACTUAL. FAVORITE. STORY. EVER.

Phew. now that's over with, I'm sorry not going to review every chapter, like some people do, but I haven't got time - have been almost late to work several times now trying to fit in one more chapter!

I am another hardcore mediator fan - sad but true :D - but seriously, if Meg Cabot had written the actual books like this I would have read them even more times than I already have. I sound like an obsessed freak. Sorry, but happy endings make ME happy, okay? And euphorically happy endings actually actually me want to cry. Makes no sense but then neither does this review so...

whoop de do.

Will probably reread this SOON as soon as happy ending withdrawal kicks in!

There's a little box at the bottom of this review thing telling me to give 'deserved praise and/or tips for improvement'. Um.. okay here's mine:

Don't change a thing. It sounds pretty useless, and I guess Suze was like, a LITTLE bit ooc, but she was so funny like that, and it suited her character so well.

Huh. Have just realised that I may have written a freaking ESSAY on why I loved your story.

Ah well.

adding to favorites NOW :)

SignedAnon chapter 38 . 4/10/2010
one word. wow.
bloodycreature-postergirl chapter 2 . 6/11/2009
wow i really lik the idea of a blind suze
lana ves chapter 28 . 1/24/2009
just for you (i'm not actually on this chapter yet)


i think the only problem is your antonym (?) use and some typos. but really, this fic is amazing! Paul is such a loser, i love it. and jesse... ah, jesse... i want to see ghosts and fall in love with one... the hopelessness of it all... *sighs happily* anyway, your fic has completely taken over my life. it is what i wake up for in the morning. lol. from your certifiably insane fan, lana ves
lana ves chapter 15 . 1/20/2009
ew ew ew ew ew! oh, god, i almost DIED when paul tried that. omfg, that was SICK on his part. what a DICKWADx9

but good still. loving the story still
lana ves chapter 10 . 1/20/2009
so, my earlier comment on spelling has nothing to do with differences between GB and US spelling, OK? i know the differences (i read WAY too much), so it was mainly typing errors and stuff. anyway... still loving the fic.
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