Reviews for Hands
Tweeker on a bike chapter 2 . 6/27/2006
Koh-shinkieh! Nice and sneaky, my friend has played and beat all the games so far...I'm playing Silent Hill 2(my favest! Because of Pyramid Head and his sexy and awsome goodness). I have SH3 as well...But it confuses me so...I really don't know too much about that...Anyway, awsome story like one-shot! ) (My review is long and gayish sorry! ;) Later!

-That tweeker on a bike-
Midnight-Miko66 chapter 2 . 6/21/2006
Haha...well I just read this, and I found it to be rather good lol. I think you more or less ahve everything down. You're right. That is excatly what make silent hill satnd out as a great game. Its story and the way it tests your analytical abilities and understanding...just a masterpiece.

As I said before I really like this fic. Great work...but I have a favour to ask, the lore you mentioned you read, is it wikipedia's info? Cause I really want to read it lol. I am extremely interested in this _
gothicka chapter 1 . 6/13/2006
i liked you story but you got 2 silent hill facts wrong no 1

alessa is spelled in the game with only one l not two also

the god sameal is a girl not a boy i sudgest you play or read silent hill one and then silent hill three to realy understand silent hill. sorry if i uffended you.
oh sailor chapter 1 . 10/9/2005
wow. I don't know a thing about Silent Hill, but I adored this story.

Good job.
Noirness chapter 1 . 3/3/2005
I really liked this fic. I love how the story comes full circle: it starts with cupped hands and ends with the same image. The detail is vivid and enjoyable. I would love to read another Silent Hill fic by you. Keep up the good work!
ice dyaty chapter 1 . 2/9/2005
I like this story alot.