Reviews for Phantom Destiny
xienrue chapter 54 . 12/31/2018
Hi, I am your old reader. The part one of Phantom Destiny is my most favorite DN Angel fanfic. I loved how you elaborate and develop each character. And ever since the horrible manga ending, your fic at least makes me able to swallow the bitter taste of that ending. So thank you very much in sharing with all of us!

It was a very nice surprise when I went to this fic to re-read and download and found out that you have started written the part two. Okay, now my comment after reading until last chapter:
I love your Krad very much. I loved him in part one, I love him more in this part two. In a way, despite his violence, I see Krad as a naive child. He is just very much new to all of this, not used to have this kind of freedom and the way of people. That was why he was so easy to be tricked by those horrible humans.
Dark is way more mature in this kind of thing. I hope in the next chapters we can see Krad and Dark reconciliation.
Regarding Satoshi, even though I can understand why he did what he did, I think he should soon understand that he need to let go the past or he might lose Krad for good. This dealing with scientist and government is not looking good for Krad. And I am afraid that Krad would have to pay a great price before Satoshi fully realize that he needs to protect Krad from humans and not the other way around.

Last in my comment is my fervent regular plea to all author that write my favorite fanfics:
Please do not stop writing this fic and please update soon ...
Talonpaw chapter 54 . 12/5/2018
Ahhh I was so happy to see an update again! ;O; It really made my day when I got the alert for a new chapter! Took me a bit before I could read it though, I was on vacation. As I was reading though, I made the :D pan away from camera face almost every time Krad said something unexpected.

I am truly jealous of Jirou, how did he get so lucky to have such a unique relationship with the mighty Krad?

Can't wait for more! Like always!
Knightess Silver chapter 54 . 12/4/2018
It's back! You're back! I can't believe it! You have no idea how happy I am to see this story continuing on. I've already re-read this chapter fully twice and will probably re-read it even more until the next update. The truth is I love your development of Krad and Satoshi's characters so much that, as much as I want to, I can't re-watch the anime series because I can't go back to that Krad. In my mind, he has been through far too much and his relationship with Satoshi has become so different. You are a hero to me for continuing this story as long as you have and I will continue to read it for as long as you write it and I will continue to think about it even longer than that. Thank you for this chapter and for bringing Satoshi one step closer to Krad and for bringing Jirou one step closer to the truth of what Krad has been up to. I just want to grab all three of them in a nice big group hug and keep them all safe.
Stormshadow13 chapter 54 . 11/26/2018
I’m really worried about krad going back to work. Somehow I think this is not going to be very good.

Awe oh, are white angel seems to be making a Nother human friend.

I hope that Jiro is able to convince Krad two towel Satoshi about his job. Somehow, I think this may make the commander feel worse about his treatment of the bite angel.

Love the chapter!

Looking forward to seeing what happens when dark and the Niwas finally come face to face with Krad and Satoshi.

Seriously! I’m very alarmed about krad’s job

Very worried. .
CNvIW chapter 1 . 9/2/2018
Veri n1c3AUlst0ri7k
Amethystnight88 chapter 53 . 4/21/2018
I was surprised and happy when I seen that you continue this story and even though it has taken me a long time to catch up on reading I still really enjoy this story. So far I enjoy how you've portrayed Satoshi's and Krad's relationship. Your such a great writer please update soon, and I hope life's treating you well!
Guest chapter 53 . 4/3/2018
i fINALLY finished binge-reading this! i read the beginning chapters probably a few years ago, and i decided to revisit this fic and read the whole thing and boy am i glad. your writing really is captivating, and you write the characters so well, i absolutely love it! the format of this website still doesnt make sense to me, so i cant tell if it means the last update was march 6 of 2018 or if that was a few years ago, but if it is- damn thats some dedication. i actually originally found this fic through the dark vs veterinarian drawing on your dA because when i first read dnangel (around 2012 i think?) i looked for fanart and stumbled across yours. okay this turned out really long but yeah! this has gotta be my favourite fic ive ever read, i really appreciate how well you represented krad's trauma, the tension and emotions between characters, just overall its realistic and i have loved the journey. ~kes
Knightess Silver chapter 53 . 3/10/2018
This chapter was full of adorable sweetness. I suspect this isn't the end of bad things, but I'm so happy for this moment of pure fluff. Please keep up your amazing work!

(For the record, I often come back now and again to re-read the latest chapter until you've posted an update. Then I'll read that, enjoy the hell out of that, then re-read it now and again numerous times before the next new chapter. I love this story that much.)
Talonpaw chapter 53 . 3/8/2018
Oh no, this was a tease~ Hahaha. Can't wait to see what Krad and Satoshi showing up at Jirou's home leads to.

Also love the image of a disheveled Satoshi getting tripped up in some bed sheets.

LDR321 chapter 53 . 3/6/2018
You rock my world world this story. I understand you have a life and all but i beg you *you cant see me but im literally on my knees* upload more often !
Stormshadow13 chapter 53 . 3/5/2018
Wow, did Jirou got several surprises this day. Wonder who‘s idea it was to visit him.

Happy time at the Nina’s. Lol, they were shock. Not surprising but amusing too.

Lol, I see a vet in Krad‘s future. Looking forwards to that.

Poor Sato tripping over the bed sheet. Krad was good not to laugh out loud. I would have.

Glad Krad is up on his feet. Looking forwards to seeing how Satoshi plans to make him take it easy.

The two angels are going to have an interesting conversation when they next meeet. Half expected Dark to take off out the window there.

Knightess Silver chapter 52 . 2/25/2018
This was absolutely beautiful and exactly what I needed. I'm sorry for being so conflicted in my previous review; you knew exactly what you were doing and I love it! Cannot wait for more! Keep up the amazing work!
Talonpaw chapter 52 . 2/19/2018

I love you. I love this. This beautiful story.

Happy screams

(Sorry I can't seem to write more coherent reviews. Your story always makes me so happy and excited that all I can usually manage is garbled yelling and slapping my desk. I do hope the message gets through.)
Talonpaw chapter 51 . 2/19/2018
Stormshadow13 chapter 51 . 2/18/2018
Satoshi is going to be very surprise. When he gets all the information from that phone call. Looking forward to seeing what he does next.

Krad is still awesome even if you do like to put him in unusual and interesting situations. It’s a good way to develop his character. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger I suppose.
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