Reviews for Immortal Instincts
Guest chapter 1 . 7/24
Talk about manufactured excuses for a bit of Buffy-bashing, Xander-wank. probably your worst yet and that's saying something.
Matt chapter 6 . 12/14/2019
Your story is fun but your spelling sucks balls! It's so bad! sometimes it's just wrong, sometimes you make completely different words than you mean to use. Either way it can make the story hard to read. Why can't you use a beta like other writers do?
bigfan22 chapter 9 . 2/28/2014
Fantastic story. I absolutely loved it. I've read a couple Highlander and Buffy crossovers, but this story had the most amount of time with the whole gang being with Xander through the entire process. I particularly loved the ending of this story...after everything Xander has had to deal with, it's good to see him reap the rewards of this particularly Prophecy...that must have been one hell of a night! Great job!
Illuviar chapter 2 . 8/10/2013
That was fun!
Illuviar chapter 1 . 8/10/2013
Great start!
just an observation chapter 9 . 8/17/2009
fyi... I know Xander is supposed to be all sex adled and stuff... but you might want to loop back to the first chapter.

He went through ten hours of being tortured and then died from it. Let me tell you, an experience even a fifth as bad as that would likely cause massive flashbacks if he found himself drugged then tied up, no matter how pleasent looking the women were when he woke up.

He mellowed a lot from when he first became an immortal, however the danger was still in him. The character you've outlined throughout the story would, I think, still have his protective streak yet still retain his brutal practicality.

Most likely his reaction to being drugged and essentially raped, especially considering the almost guaranteed flashbacks, would be to flee in the morning. Seeing the child he would never leave her behind because he would be too protective and so, after a nice mental breakdown, he'd likely come to the conclusion he had to kill the three women and take the child to safety.

Of course, that's just my take given reactions to prolonged torture followed by sexual assault or rape withing a few years. I realize you were going for a bit of comic relief and a "happy" ending. If you wanted that "revenge" scene in there as well, you should have left the tranq darts and waking up bound out and instead made it teasing that resulted from non-violent sexual arousal. Either that or not had him tortured to death at the begining... it really didn't add much to the story anyway.

Up until you flubbed your character at the end you had a great story.
Byakugan789 chapter 8 . 3/27/2009
Personally? I tink it's a nice well written story that should have been longer in the first place. I'm not talking endless series or Anne McCaffery sized material but logner and greater detailed is typically better. Personally My biggest problem is I always run out of steam part way through and can't bring myself to post unfinnished work.
Byakugan789 chapter 1 . 3/25/2009
what do i think... well apart from the D’Artagnian thing I think you did an exceptional job. Out of curiosity, are you going to try and ship xander and drusilla? It would make some sort of sense I'll admit even with a her old soul, but it just sounds... difficult.
Nighetray chapter 9 . 9/16/2007
pritty dam cool. I love how you brot Dawn in much better tehn the seres thoe I undrstand why the seres did it that way having a baby arund isn't as much fun in a sitcom. could have don more with Dru thoe I aways that she was cut in a dark way would have been fun to have her hanign arund xander more.
Servant of K-sama chapter 1 . 2/18/2007
Hey, my grandmother's name is Dru, don't insult her okay.
zafaran chapter 9 . 8/24/2006
More, more, please. This AU is simply wonderful, and this is a wonderfully original way to come up with Dawn. I hope your muse and schedule will allow you to write and post more chapters sometime soon. Keep up the good work. Zafaran
Morrolan chapter 9 . 12/20/2005
Haha! Love this story. :-)
wordoftruthhunter26 chapter 9 . 12/18/2005
o god that was funny. .

please keep writing this i love how you twisted the people around i think it is great. not sure i like the key as a baby but i think it could work. loved that joyce is pregnent. that was just mean leaving the chapter there. please write more soon. love all the plot bunnies.
ticky chapter 8 . 11/25/2005
no... nononono

please dont end it with the next chapter im adicted and ill need my fix
ticky chapter 4 . 11/25/2005
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