Reviews for Mine,Ours,Theirs
sapphireDoG chapter 1 . 7/28/2006
my god... iv read this story 8 times and everytime i cry, like i am now :C i love it but i hate how it makes me cry!:'( i put this story on my favorite list the first time i read it and now im gonna keep it there for aloug time :D
Mina Shelley chapter 1 . 3/22/2006
I've always liked this song. Anyway great story. You got alot of emotion and story into this. Death, sadness, romance, and showing that even though two people can be worlds apart they will always be together inthe end. I honestly liked it. This is definately going on my favorites list. Hell I'll even put you on my favorites list. And this isn't the only thing of yours I've read. I've read some of your other work too. You write some pretty good stuff.I'll review again later but right now I have homework to do.


Soma X
Willowsle chapter 1 . 12/12/2005
you have no idea how hard im crying right now,but this story is very good
minna no kimochi chapter 1 . 10/31/2005
That was such a sweet ending.
Inukgirl chapter 1 . 7/26/2005
Dang! I have tears in my eyes! This was too sad!

* In reality has tears in her eyes *
Inuyasha's nekko07 chapter 1 . 4/19/2005
Ok this and 'Can't go on without you' are the saddest stories I have ever read. I am sitting at this computer desk crying my eyes out. I hate what Inu did to Kagome. WITH KIKYO OF ALL PEOPLE. How could he betray her like that. Poor Tusyosa. Had to grow up like that. I just wished that whole damn thing with Kikyo never happened. Then maybe i wouldn't be crying right now. The ending made me ry the most. they were together again. By the way update on Kagome's scars. I love that story but I hate kikyo. Why did he have to choose Kikyo?
Paul Sheldon chapter 1 . 4/14/2005

It's me Chris.(the kid from the library)

Wow. This has got to be the best Inuyasha story I have ever read. You could have used chapters though. I cannot wait to read more of your stories though.

It was extremely detailed and realistic. But I have a question. When Inuyasha Died he went to Heaven and saw Kagome right. But He died hundreds of years before her, so wouldn't he hav had to wait.
KitsuneFoxChild chapter 1 . 3/20/2005
I'm totally frickin' sobbing right now. That's so sad! I'm bawling my eyes out and it's six in the morning! I just think you did a great jod. May you remember that KitsuneFoxChild will always be there to back you up.
Hezzah-chan chapter 1 . 3/11/2005
OMG! That was SO sad! Y.Y I was crying before I even reached the end of the fic. It was so sad. Good choice of song. I absolutely love Brad Paisley. Well, his songs. But still! Good song, good song. It's a little hard to picture those two actually drinking, but... there's a picture there. Good, yet sad, but still good story. Keep writing! _
sesshy lover chapter 1 . 2/5/2005
Bruised But Never Broken chapter 1 . 1/30/2005
OMG! There is only one word that can describe this fic...BEAUTIFUL. You literally had me in tears...

You're an awesome writer! Don't stop...okay, I have to get another tissue box...ROCK ON!


Oni Tenchie chapter 1 . 1/28/2005
Oni:*Tear* OH MY GOD! look at me! I'm accually crying! *sniffle* it was so beautiful! la i cryed when i first heard the song, and now i cry for your fic! I'm losing it! *runs off and cry's some more*

Ashen: I loved it *tear* well written... so beautiful!

~Oni T.
O-Godzilla-O chapter 1 . 1/25/2005
I really loved your story! i hope you write

more! i really like them! Can't wait to talk too

you later!

Ai Lirimaer chapter 1 . 1/25/2005
Oh my...that was really...sniff...sniff...sad...

i really love that song-i loved this story!